These heart health tips could save your life. David Jones, a businessman in his 40s, lived a healthy lifestyle. He exercised regularly and ate a balanced diet. Yet, one day, he noticed a heaviness in his chest. He went to an urgent care center, where tests showed that his heart was not receiving enough nutrients...Continue reading
Category: Cardio
Five Reasons Men Are Eating More Plant-Based Meals
In 2012, Ken Chadwick hit rock bottom. He weighed more than ever at 327 pounds and it was a struggle for him to not gain even more weight. One morning, his then wife came into the bedroom while he was putting on his socks. He couldn’t reach his feet due to the girth of his...Continue reading
Unhealthy Gums and Heart Disease: How Are They Related?
Are They Really Connected? Wondering if gum disease can be the cause of an unhealthy heart? Many research studies have found that poor oral health can significantly increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. So can regular brushing and flossing give you a healthy heart? Doctors Say Yes. While the cause and effect relationship...Continue reading
Are 10,000 Steps a Day Really Optimal?
Surveys show that very few Americans know how much exercise they’re supposed to get. But many people are familiar with the advice to walk 10,000 steps a day. And it’s not unusual to see followers of this directive constantly checking their Fitbits in hopes of achieving the magic number and then announcing it to everyone...Continue reading
June Is Men’s Health Month—Get Involved
Did you know there was a month entirely dedicated to raising awareness for issues impacting the health and wellness of men and boys? June will honor the 23rd annual Men’s Health Month. The month also coincides with Men’s Health Week (June 12-18), a special awareness period created by Congress, and the #ShowUsYourBlue campaign on June...Continue reading
Five Benefits of Getting the Sleep Your Body Needs
It’s no secret the way to feel your best every day is to get the right amount of sleep every night. How much is “the right amount”? Seven to nine hours, according to the National Sleep Foundation. For some people, that’s a big challenge. But we think that knowing about some of the specific benefits...Continue reading
Permission to Exercise Is Granted (to Yourself!) How to Overcome Misplaced Guilt.
This article was originally published at OlderBeast, whose mission is to help 40+ guys “double down” on body-and-soul health for the 2nd half of their life. Taking care of yourself, to maximize the second half of life, is a constant challenge. It keeps reappearing in different ways – no matter how healthy and motivated you are....Continue reading
Gut-Check for Guys: Re-Thinking Your Approach to Fitness After 40
I seek a sustainable plan for fitness after 40: physical health and feeling “whole” for the 2nd half of my life. I want to feel great, look my best, keep getting happier, and live long. Of course. But how to really do it? We all face—and can powerfully answer—the same questions… 1. Exercise: What do...Continue reading
Living Harder—and Now Longer—with Viagra
Do you know how Viagra got its start? Pfizer developed it to relieve a type of chest pain, angina, that’s associated with severe heart disease. They thought it might work better than nitrate paste or pills, the standard of the day. Guess what? It didn’t. But the men in the clinical trial wouldn’t give the...Continue reading
So, You Think You’re Having a Heart Attack
You start having chest pains, so go to the nearest emergency room. Needless to say, it’s a frightening, stressful time. You look to the health professionals treating you to get best possible advice about next steps. Are you having a heart attack? Do you need to be admitted to the hospital? Chest pain accounts for...Continue reading