Hospitals using surveillance systems are reporting fewer patient falls, according to an article in the CT Post. The idea is that certified nursing assistants and trained medical staff can monitor patients from various hospital rooms at the same time. If a patient at high risk for falling or hurting themselves looks like they’re making a...Continue reading
Category: Aging
As You Age, Knowledge Is Power: Educating Yourself on Healthcare and Diagnosis
Educating yourself about your own health and any diagnosis you may receive is imperative these days, when there is so much information available and so many options. There must be some measure of trust between patient and doctor, but doing some research on your own and figuring out what’s right for you doesn’t mean you...Continue reading
Why We Need to Change the Current Narrative of Male Friendships
In an interview with Anna Kendrick, Stephen Colbert joked, you ask a guy when the last time he saw his best friend and his answer is two and a half years ago. Cue the laughs at the distinction often made between male and female friendships, but the reality isn’t as funny. The disturbing truth is...Continue reading
Should You Get Thee to a Low-T Clinic?
They’re everywhere these days. Just search “low T clinic near me” on Google and you will see a gaggle of places get your fill of testosterone. There’s someone on every corner willing to sell you good ol’ vitamin T. But will it help? Fountain of Youth It depends. If you are a younger man, say aged 25-35...Continue reading