June Is Men’s Health Month—Get Involved

Did you know there was a month entirely dedicated to raising awareness for issues impacting the health and wellness of men and boys? June will honor the 23rd annual Men’s Health Month. The month also coincides with Men’s Health Week (June 12-18), a special awareness period created by Congress, and the #ShowUsYourBlue campaign on June...Continue reading

Permission to Exercise Is Granted (to Yourself!) How to Overcome Misplaced Guilt.

This article was originally published at OlderBeast, whose mission is to help 40+ guys “double down” on body-and-soul health for the 2nd half of their life. Taking care of yourself, to maximize the second half of life, is a constant challenge. It keeps reappearing in different ways – no matter how healthy and motivated you are....Continue reading

Gut-Check for Guys: Re-Thinking Your Approach to Fitness After 40

I seek a sustainable plan for fitness after 40: physical health and feeling “whole” for the 2nd half of my life. I want to feel great, look my best, keep getting happier, and live long. Of course. But how to really do it? We all face—and can powerfully answer—the same questions… 1. Exercise: What do...Continue reading

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