For more than 40 years I have been helping men and the women who love them. In recent years, more and more women are contacting me who are concerned about their husband’s anger and how its impacting their lives. Here’s how one woman described her confusion and concern: “For about a year now, I have...Continue reading
Category: Mental Health
What Women Want Men to Know About Fear, Sex, and Love
For more than 40 years, I’ve been helping men better understand women so they can have more sex and love and fewer fights and tensions. It’s said that we teach what we want to learn and I’ll admit I’m still learning about the wonderful creatures we call women and how to have passionate, peaceful, and...Continue reading
How Porn Addiction Affects Our Relationships
Since the advent of the internet age, access to pornography has grown exponentially. A few decades ago, access to pornography was restricted to top-shelf magazines, and sex shops selling pornagraphic movies and other matierials. Nowadays, we can access pornangraphic sites with unlimited free content, at the click of a button. With this increase in available...Continue reading
Inside My Men’s Group: The Hidden Truths I’ve Learned Over the Last 38 Years
I knew I needed a men’s group in the worst way. I had just returned to the San Francisco Bay area after a cross-country trip with my wife. We had hoped to save our marriage, but the trip nearly killed us, or rather it nearly killed me. My wife was a violent woman who slept...Continue reading
Libido and Erections: Birds of a Feather
I take care of lots of men with erection dysfunction. I also take care of lots of men with low sex drive. And, as you can imagine, I see a lot of men with both issues. And this is where men’s health gets really interesting. Inside My Mind I think of erections and libido as...Continue reading
Lost Fathers: How Deaths, Divorces, and Disconnections Impact Our Health and Happiness
Like most people, I’ve come to accept the inevitable losses in my past as part of life, something everyone experiences. As we get older we must deal with our parent’s death, the loss of friends, and other family members. But there are certain losses that have a lasting impact on our lives. As a psychotherapist...Continue reading
Why Women Are Attracted to Clean-Cut Men
A recent study carried out by Gillette in collaboration with Tinder, found that the majority of Tinder’s likes or right swipe, went to beardless or no facial hair men. The revelation that women feel markedly greater attraction toward clean-cut males than their unshaven counterparts made us ask ourselves: why are women attracted to clean cut...Continue reading
What Every Woman Needs to Know About Men
My wife, Carlin, invited me and my men’s group to share some of things about being a man with her women’s group. We’ve done this before and one of the things that helped women “get” men was the fishbowl process, where the men sit in the center and the women sit quietly around and just...Continue reading
How to Make Sure Your Mental Health & Physical Fitness Are Complementary
In today’s world, many people are realizing that optimizing mental and physical well-being will play an integral role in generating health and happiness. If you’ve recently drawn this conclusion, now is the time to consider which lifestyle changes you’ll need to implement for the purpose of ensuring that your mental health and physical fitness are...Continue reading
Jed Diamond’s Trends and Predictions for 2017
For me, 2016 was a time of massive change. My wife and I moved from our home of 25 years in the beautifully quiet hills outside of Willits and bought a home in town where we could walk everywhere. I turned 73, which isn’t an obviously important age like 21, 60, 75, 80, or 100,...