Regardless of your feelings about marriage, you may want to give it a try–especially if you’re concerned about your health. Researchers at New York University studied 3.5 million people and found that married people have lower risks of vascular disease, coronary artery disease, aneurysms, and other heart-related conditions than those who are divorced, single, or...Continue reading
Category: Depression
Four Simple Ways to Increase Your Motivation
You fill your time with this and that on any given day. Sure, you have plenty of projects on your mind, but something always gets in the way, occupying your time. You already know a handful of ways you can increase your focus, motivation and productivity, but many seem more mystical than scientific. However, there...Continue reading
Lack of Education Could Kill You. Really.
The warnings started when I was in junior high (now called middle school). My parents, both of whom were in the first generation of our family to go to college, started warning me that if I didn’t quit fooling around at school and do my homework I might not get a degree. And without a...Continue reading
When Being Number One Is Bad News
It’s no secret that guilt plays havoc with our health. People who feel guilty for extended periods of time are, on average, more depressed, more anxious, more stressed, and have a weaker immune system than those who go through life without the guilt. They’re also more likely to engage in risky, destructive behavior, including self-medicating...Continue reading
It’s Not Easy Being Big
We’ve talked about how the size and shape of your body affect pretty much everything in your life, from your risk of developing a variety of diseases and your life expectancy, to your salary and the quantity and quality of your romantic relationships. If you’re overweight or obese, several new studies add more doom and...Continue reading
A trip to the White House
It was a “seminal” event, and by White House invitation. The topic? The future of men’s health. Why are men medically underserved in America? What cultural factors are at play that we can change? Who should be involved? Seeds of Change An impressive array of stakeholders was present for the dialogue. Hats off to the...Continue reading
How to Help Men Live Longer
He was desperate, despondent and depressed. Both his life and marriage were falling apart, literally unraveling right in front of him. He mustered the strength to reach out and seek help. And he was cured of his disease. Sounds like the “C” word, eh? Nope, he was cured of the “I” word: Infertility.
Why Heavy Metal Music Could Be Good for Us
As a rule, parents don’t like the music their children listen to–and they never have. That said, we all know that music can–and does–affect the way we feel, bringing up emotions such as joy, sadness, love, and anger. The big question, however, has always been whether those emotions trigger certain kinds of behavior. A fascinating...Continue reading
9.5 Reasons You Should Sleep Nude
According to a recent study, only eight percent of adults sleep naked. If you’re not among the 8%, here are 9 ½ reasons why you should donate your PJs and anything else you wear to bed at night to the nearest thrift store. These include: You’ll sleep better. You’ll burn more calories It’s...Continue reading
Could Masculinity Be Killing You?
From the time we’re little, we’re taught that big boys don’t cry and told that when times get tough, we just need to “man up.” The message is so strong that even a baby could figure it out (and plenty do): boys shouldn’t cry. Put a different way, boys–and later, men–need to be tough. “Real”...Continue reading