The Secret to a Longer Life? Follow Directions

It seems that there’s a new study out every day proving that eating certain foods (like more veggies and less meat) or doing certain things (like getting enough exercise and sleep) can improve and/or extend your life. Reading—and thinking—are a good first step. But they’re not much unless you actually do something to make some...Continue reading

Placing American Indian and Alaska Native Boys and Men’s Health Disparities on the Map

A group of stakeholders dedicated to raising awareness on health disparities among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) males has collaborated with Men’s Health Network (MHN) and the Office of Minority Health to develop a brief report titled A Vision of Wellness and Health Equity for AI/AN Boys and Men. Among American Indians and Alaska...Continue reading

PTSD: Affects Vets’ Spouses Too

According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), about 25 percent of vets returning from the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq are suffering from PTSD. That’s about 500,000 veterans. If we include family members, that number more than doubles.  Not surprisingly, returning veterans—particularly those with PTSD—have a higher divorce rate than non-veterans. And...Continue reading

As Your Penis Goes, So Goes Your Heart

If you’re having trouble maintaining an erection, print this post out and make an appointment with your healthcare provider. Researcher in Australia found that men who self-reported severe erectile dysfunction had a 35% increase in the risk of hospitalization for all heart-related diseases, and a 93% increased risk of death—even if they had no history...Continue reading

Old Men Can Be Grumpy—But at Least They’re Honest…

As men age, our testosterone levels generally fall and everyone around us seems to get so much more annoying. Well, at least it feels that way. Lower testosterone levels have been associated with depression, anger, poor concentration, grouchiness, and irritability. Levels of this male sex hormone levels start slipping naturally—and noticeably—starting at around age 60....Continue reading

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