Boiled coffee lowers prostate cancer risk

A new study from Norway found that men who drink boiled coffee may have a lower risk of prostate cancer. The study was conducted by Dr. Aage Tverdal of the Department of Pharmacoepidemiology at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and was published in the British Journal of Cancer. The study came after a report published in...Continue reading

8 Tips To Have A Healthy Hanukkah

1. Replace dairy with dairy-free or plant-based products a. Soy, almond, hazelnut, coconut milk: Rich in calcium and proteins b. Rich in calcium, proteins, vitamins and minerals c. Can help protect against heart disease d. Less fat and calories 2. Bake instead of fry a. i.e. Latkes, sufganiyots (doughnuts) b. Use less oil and/or use...Continue reading

Is Normal Always Normal?

What does “normal” really mean? Besides your grandmother, and maybe your parents, do you know anyone who is truly “normal?” There’s a list of normal Hollywood celebrities that includes Matt Damon, Johnny Depp and Jennifer Aniston, but are they really normal? That famous, last-century psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud made a stab at defining normal: “Every normal...Continue reading

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