A new study from Norway found that men who drink boiled coffee may have a lower risk of prostate cancer. The study was conducted by Dr. Aage Tverdal of the Department of Pharmacoepidemiology at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and was published in the British Journal of Cancer. The study came after a report published in...Continue reading
Category: Well-being
Why You Should Consider UV Contacts
We frequently hear about protecting our skin with sunscreen so it doesn’t burn or so we don’t get skin cancer. But, we don’t hear the same advice about protecting our eyes from the same problems. Luckily, sunglasses block ultraviolet (UV) rays and even some contacts have UV protection. So, why don’t we hear about them...Continue reading
8 Tips To Have A Healthy Hanukkah
1. Replace dairy with dairy-free or plant-based products a. Soy, almond, hazelnut, coconut milk: Rich in calcium and proteins b. Rich in calcium, proteins, vitamins and minerals c. Can help protect against heart disease d. Less fat and calories 2. Bake instead of fry a. i.e. Latkes, sufganiyots (doughnuts) b. Use less oil and/or use...Continue reading
Three Natural, Organic Ways to Treat Allergies
People suffering from allergies have to go through the long and tedious process of identifying the cause of the allergies. Moreover, they try everything in order to find relief. Are you too suffering from some kind of allergy or another? Do you have a history of asthma? #464209985 / gettyimages.com In case you do, you...Continue reading
C’mon Guys! Man Up.
I say it all the time. “Men are medically underserved.” I’ve shown you the facts to back this up. But what’s the solution? How do we actually plan to get men better medical care?
Workaholic – A Life Alone
I wake up most days alone. Not because I am single. I am in fact married. And not because I sleep in another room. I wake up alone because my workaholic husband has gone to work long before the sun is up. When he gets home, he says hello to the refrigerator before he...Continue reading
The Holidays Can Be Hazardous to Your Back
The holiday season can be hazardous to your health – and we’re not just talking about the thousands of extra calories typically consumed at family dinners, work parties and cocktail hours. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 250 injuries are reported daily during the holiday season (November and December). Falls (34%) and...Continue reading
Is Normal Always Normal?
What does “normal” really mean? Besides your grandmother, and maybe your parents, do you know anyone who is truly “normal?” There’s a list of normal Hollywood celebrities that includes Matt Damon, Johnny Depp and Jennifer Aniston, but are they really normal? That famous, last-century psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud made a stab at defining normal: “Every normal...Continue reading
Men: Get your PSA checked
Men: Get your PSA checked New healthcare guidelines from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care recommend that men should not have a PSA test to screen for prostate cancer. A PSA test is a simple blood test that measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen in a man’s blood. When the PSA is elevated,...Continue reading
How to Clean Teeth without a Toothbrush
In recognition of October being National Dental Hygiene Month, the Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics wanted to share some tips and advice for how to clean your teeth when you do not have a toothbrush. There are times when you are out and about and you do not have a toothbrush readily available but...Continue reading