7 Reasons Your PSA May Be Elevated

Prostate cancer An elevated PSA could indicate prostate cancer. If you have an elevated PSA, your doctor will also do a digital rectal exam to see if there are any suspicious lumps present on the prostate gland. If they suspect prostate cancer, a prostate biopsy will be recommended. It’s also important to monitor any changes...Continue reading

High-pesticide Produce Causes 49 Percent Lower Sperm Count

Certain fruits and vegetables are known to contain pesticide residue. Farmers spray their crops with pesticide to keep pests from harming their agriculture. When pesticides are applied to crops, it can leave residue on the food which is then sold in grocery stores. While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulates the amount of pesticide that...Continue reading

Secret to Better Sex? Get Better Sleep!

According to a new study, getting better sleep is the key to having better sex. Young women were more likely to have an appetite for sex and actually have sex if during the previous night, they slept better. The study’s lead author, David Kalmbach, said the results do not necessarily mean women should be sleeping...Continue reading

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