Dear Mr. Dad: My 15-month-old baby is suddenly afraid of everything—including a lot of things he wasn’t afraid of just a few weeks ago. He’s scared the bathtub, getting his hair cut, the vacuum cleaner, the dark, and even our dog (the same dog that he actually rode on recently. What’s going on and what...Continue reading
Category: Parenting
Sleeping Arrangements
Dear Mr. Dad: Everyone I ask has a different opinion about whether it’s okay to share a bed with a baby. My biggest concern is safety. What’s the bottom line? A: The short answer to your question is a resounding “It depends.” For years, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended against bed sharing (sometimes called “the...Continue reading
Being an Involved Dad–Even from the Road
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a professional baseball player and during the season, I’m on the road a lot. I love my job, but I hate being away from my kids (ages 6, 9, and 13)—and I know they’re not happy about it either. How can I stay connected to them when I’m away? A: What...Continue reading
Joining a Blended Family with Teenagers
Dear Mr. Dad. I’m marrying a woman who has two teenagers from her previous marriage. This is my first marriage and, although I like her kids, I’m a little worried about how I’ll do as a stepfather of teens. Any suggestions? A: About half of all marriages are remarriages for at least one of the partners,...Continue reading
Fatherhood is Full of Surprises
Dear Mr. Dad: I just found out that my girlfriend is pregnant. I have no idea what to expect. Can you give me a few hints? A: Congratulations—you’re in for a long, wild ride! Becoming a dad involves new responsibilities, new pressures, and new expectations to live up to. For some of us, this little jolt...Continue reading
22 Discipline Ideas That Really Work. Part 2
Last week I introduced the first 11 of my 22 field-tested strategies for disciplining toddlers. Here are the remaining 11. Get down to your child’s level. When you’re talking to your child—specially to criticize—kneel or sit. You’ll still be big enough that he’ll know who the boss is. Don’t lecture. Instead, ask questions to engage...Continue reading
22 Discipline Ideas That Really Work. Part 1
Dear Mr. Dad: You’ve talked about how futile it is to discipline an infant. That makes sense. But what about toddlers? A: At one time or another, all parents struggle with discipline—establishing limits, enforcing limits, and getting their kids to speak to them respectfully and do what they’re supposed to do. But discipline isn’t only about...Continue reading
Teaching Manners: More Than Please and Thank You
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a little old fashioned, but I believe in manners. When is the right time to teach them to children? A: In the early stages of parenthood, we don’t care much about manners. Our infant’s loud burps (and other bodily sounds) usually elicit laughter, and as kids learn to speak, we consider their...Continue reading
The Secret of Happiness: A Loving Father and Son Share It with the World
Mohammad “Mo” Gawdat is a man who had it all. He has a degree in engineering paired with an MBA degree. He is a serial entrepreneur who has co-founded more than twenty businesses. He worked at IBM and Microsoft before joining Google in 2007 to start its business in Emerging Markets. Over a period of...Continue reading
Eight Things Women Can Do to Get Men More Involved, part 2
Last week we talked about five things women can do to get their partners to take on more responsibility in the home, and, in particular, with the children. Here are three more. If you have any suggestions to add to the list, please drop us an email. No gatekeeping. Many women take charge of the household...Continue reading