ED drugs not working? You may be using them wrong

New research from Spain says many men fail to respond to erectile dysfunction medications correctly. The study was done by Dr. Borja Garcia Gomez at the Hospital Universitario in Madrid and published in the journal Urology. According to the study, 69% of men report that their erectile dysfunction persisted after taking PDE5 inhibitors including Viagra,...Continue reading

Is Normal Always Normal?

What does “normal” really mean? Besides your grandmother, and maybe your parents, do you know anyone who is truly “normal?” There’s a list of normal Hollywood celebrities that includes Matt Damon, Johnny Depp and Jennifer Aniston, but are they really normal? That famous, last-century psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud made a stab at defining normal: “Every normal...Continue reading

My Men’s Movement: 45 Years on the Path

Part 1 My Father, Myself, My Future By Jed Diamond, PhD  When I began writing this I realized I couldn’t talk about the Men’s Movement because, for me, my involvement is personal and I don’t seem to fit within any one tributary within the Men’s Movement river.   Wikipedia says, “The men’s movement is a social...Continue reading

Fatherhood with Klinefelters

What’s the most common definable cause of azoospermia among infertile men? Here’s a hint: it’s also pretty common in general, occurring in 1/500 male births. Answer: Klinefelter syndrome. Men who have it possess an extra X chromosome in every cell in their bodies. It’s inherited, and about equally so from mothers and fathers. The fact is that most men don’t know about...Continue reading

The Truth About Vasectomy and Pain

I give a Certificate of Honor to specially recognize every patient on whom I perform a vasectomy. It’s really quite nice and very frameable. “Why?” You ask. Well, it’s not that a no scalpel vasectomy is the most gruesome thing that a man could experience in his life. It’s just that, in the real world of fish stories and Internet tales,...Continue reading

Protect Yourself & Those You Care About: Take Time to Get a Flu Vaccine

The fall season ushers in many favorite things: cooler temperatures, football season, outdoor activities like hiking and camping, and one not-so-favorite thing – the flu. While you can’t keep the flu from invading your space, what you can and should do is protect yourself from flu by getting your flu vaccination this year and every...Continue reading

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