You will never guess what the CDC just revealed about single American men in the US. Recall that this federal agency monitors and prevents disease outbreaks, from autism to zika, and also maintains nationwide health statistics. They do good work and, like me, are keenly interested in men’s health. I applaud them. So what are sexually active young American men...Continue reading
Category: Boys
5 Dental Problems that Men are Likely to Suffer From
Why is oral health important for men? Studies indicate that men are a lot less likely to take care of their oral health than women. Having good oral health has been linked with having a good life with fewer health problems. Men are less likely than women to seek out preventative dental care and often...Continue reading
Why Men Should Care About the Opioid Crisis
Last week, I attended a timely briefing on Capitol Hill about the ongoing opioid crisis in the United States. The briefing was hosted by Air Conditioning Contractors of America’s (ACCA) partners at the Men’s Health Network, Congressman Donald Payne, Jr. (D-NJ) and Congressman Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), who is a former HVAC contractor. It is great...Continue reading
Are Our Children Winning the Race to Obesity?
Dear Mr. Dad: Everyone knows about the crisis of overweight and obese kids. With the Winter Olympics just a few weeks away, I got to wondering whether so many kids being fat and out of shape will affect the United States’ ability to compete (not necessarily in these Olympics, but in the future). What do...Continue reading
Men’s HealthTech: Adding the Warmth of Wisdom
What’s a great way to get health information about men? Why wearables, of course. In 2016, there were 325 million wearable devices in the world. That’s “big data” territory by any measure. But have wearables actually improved the health of men? In a word, no. Or not yet anyway. Stay Home Medicine But there’s a 2.0 movement in men’s healthtech: entirely digital...Continue reading
In Search of My Lost Body: Real Men Eat Meat and Other Masculinity Myths
It’s January and once again I begin thinking about losing weight. I keep track of my weight and keep losing and gaining the same 20 pounds. I eat pretty well, but I eat too much. Like most people, there are a million reasons why I weigh more than I want to weigh. I’ve always been...Continue reading
Is There a Link between Dental Health and Men’s Fertility?
By now, we’ve all heard about the health risks of poor oral hygiene, which go far beyond toothaches, cavities and tooth loss. Neglecting your dental health can put you at greater risk for heart disease, respiratory problems, diabetes, stroke, arthritis and other medical issues. According to new research, it may also affect your ability to...Continue reading
Accusations of Sexual Assault: Today’s Salem Witch Trials?
I can write this because I am a woman. A man would be afraid to touch it… More than 400 years ago, nearly 100 years before ratification of the U.S. Constitution, mass hysteria took hold throughout the Massachusetts Bay Colony, most famously in Salem Village, outside of Boston. Almost 70 years ago the same fever...
Man or Marionette? Pinocchio and the Metamorphosis of Manhood
Since it was published in 1883, The Adventures of Pinocchio by Italian writer, Carlo Collodi, has become one of the most widely read and adapted fairy tales of all time. This may be because the character of Pinocchio represents the archetype of the classic hero- one who experiences a metamorphosis and rebirth as a result...Continue reading
#Me(n) Too: Why Sexual Abuse is a Men’s Issue Not Just a Women’s Issue
More and more men are being recognized as sexual abusers and more and more women are coming out telling the truth about having been abused. We have gotten used to seeing rich and famous men including Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, and Donald Trump being held to account for their abusive behavior. More recently we have...Continue reading