Benefits of Weightlifting

Sure-fire, get-in-the-best-shape-of-your-life-or-your-money-back fitness fads have been around for thousands of years. Just in my lifetime, I’ve seen Boot Camps, Bowflex, CrossFit, Hula Hooping, Insanity, Jazzecise, Kettle Bells, P90X, Pilates, Pole Dancing, Spinning, Tabata—and that’s by no means a complete list. Over the years (centuries really), there’s been one method that won’t ever show up on...Continue reading

A Family Affair: Bringing Your Kids into Your Business

Dear Mr. Dad: I’m in my 60s and have been thinking about retiring from the small-ish company that my great-grandfather founded nearly 100 years (I’m the CEO). We made it through the COVID pandemic, and I’ve been thinking a lot about retiring and bringing my adult children in to learn the ropes. This isn’t exactly...Continue reading

Grooming “Down There:” Fashion Trend or Health Hazard?

Women have been trimming (or removing outright) their pubic hair for thousands of years. Men generally enjoy the results (in a recent study by, 41% of men said they prefer women with no pubic hair at all, while 38% said they prefer a nice trim), but they’ve traditionally remained shaggier than their women. That,...Continue reading

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