Literary Convention and the Slaughter of Innocent Children

As we try to absorb the tragic events at the school shooting in New Town, Connecticut, various sages have come out of the background to tell us what it all means, and what we can do about it. Gun control advocates – long ignored by our political leaders – have told us, reasonably enough, that...

For Men Only: Eating Carrots Prevents Hip Fractures, Broccoli Reduces Cancer Risk, Fruit Will Extend Your Life, But Butter Could Kill You

When you were little, your parents probably told you that eating carrots is good for your eyesight. And, over the years, there seems to be some evidence to support that. But a new study of 63,000 adults 45 and older found that men who ate the most vegetables and carotenoids had the fewest hip fractures....

Old Men Can Be Grumpy—But at Least They’re Honest…

As men age, our testosterone levels generally fall and everyone around us seems to get so much more annoying. Well, at least it feels that way. Lower testosterone levels have been associated with depression, anger, poor concentration, grouchiness, and irritability. Levels of this male sex hormone levels start slipping naturally—and noticeably—starting at around age 60....Continue reading

Can you walk and chew gum at the same time? How ‘bout walk and text? Bet you can’t.

We all know that it’s downright stupid to text while driving. New research has found that it may be nearly as dangerous to text while walking. Beth Ebel, director of the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center in Seattle, and her colleagues at the University of Washington observed more than 1,000 pedestrians crossing busy streets...Continue reading

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