Try Not Sitting

Have you heard about a new disease that affects almost half of Americans and is lethal if it goes unchecked? It’s called “sitting disease.”  It’s real and it’s the new smoking. The Chair as Enemy Sitting is an example of a “sedentary” behavior. Either at work or at home as a couch potato, it is considered a “low fitness” activity. Some might...Continue reading

Fitting Into Your Genes

“Why Me? I take great care of myself.” I often hear this common question from men with low or no sperm counts who are unable to conceive. In fact, they usually are taking great care of themselves. The fact is, many cases of male infertility are actually genetic and have more to do with the cards that they were dealt. “But my brothers, sisters and...Continue reading

Reducing Prostate Cancer: Fat Chance (and That’s a Good Thing)

In a previous post, we talked about how omega-3 fatty acids—as beneficial as they are in many ways—have been shown to increase prostate cancer risk, especially of the most aggressive and deadly forms. But other types of fats, including avocados, nuts, olive and vegetable oils (especially canola), and seeds, have precisely the opposite effect: they...Continue reading

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