Fighting for Health Equity Year ‘Round: National Minority Health Month

April is National Minority Health Month, making it the perfect time to focus on the often-significant disparities in health and wellbeing that affect racial and ethnic minorities across our country. But it’s important to remember that these inequities exist every single day of the year, not just in April. What do we mean by “disparities”...Continue reading

2021 testicular cancer month

Testicular Cancer: Unpreventable Yet Very Treatable

Ok, how many of you guys out there know that April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month?  Unfortunately, most guys, not even many health care providers know that April is the month dedicated to making sure adolescent boys and men know about this potentially lethal problem. Men’s Health Network ( would like to give you 8...Continue reading

Researchers test ways to encourage healthier lifestyle in African-American men

African Americans could expect to live 14.6 fewer years than white Americans in 1900 but the gap between the lifespan of African American men and white men was slightly smaller at 14.1 years. By 2015, the gap for both sexes had shrunk to 3.4 years, based on Centers for Disease Control statistics, though the gap...

Researchers compare ways to offer mental health services to underserved communities

A search in the iPhone app store for “mindfulness-based stress reduction” produces a seemingly endless stream of applications devoted to meditation.  But do they work as well as having a live person with whom you can interact on the other side of the screen? A study funded in 2020 by Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute...Continue reading

Research evaluates ways of providing mental health care in rural areas

Living in a rural area doesn’t mean you will be less likely to suffer from mental health problems. It does mean you will be less likely to have easy access to diagnosis and care. Even though rural residents are in poorer health generally than those living elsewhere, they have less access to treatment, partly because...Continue reading

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