Men beware: Health warning signs not to ignore

Sometimes, pulling teeth feels easier than getting men into a doctor’s office. Blame it on male ego, feeling invincible, indestructible or just not wanting to know, men are likely ignoring signs or symptoms of potentially serious health issues. But even minor symptoms can be early warning signs of a bigger health problem down the road.Continue reading

nitrous-powered vasectomy

The Nitrous-Powered Vasectomy

Over the last 25 years and 2,500 no scalpel vasectomies that I’ve performed, I’ve have learned a lot about men. A famous cancer surgeon once told me that he thought that a well-done vasectomy under local anesthesia is “probably the hardest surgical procedure in the entire field.” Harder than taking out a bladder? Yep! Because you’re dealing with a...Continue reading

mRNA vaccine

How Does the mRNA COVID Vaccine Alter Us Genetically?

Actually, it doesn’t. It’s not putting a DNA “genetic code” into our bodies. Instead, it’s an injection of the downstream instructions for protein-making molecules called mRNA. These molecules are quickly broken down by cells soon after being injected and don’t have the capacity to genetically “transform” cells like DNA can. Some other facts about the...Continue reading

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