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Do You Really Need a Prostate Check?
This is one of many important questions we ask urologist Preston Sprenkle, MD, about prostate cancer. Having a prostate exam might rank right up there with filing your taxes or cleaning the gutters (or maybe it even tops that list). But, it could be helpful to think in a different way about getting your prostate... CONTINUE READING→
In Search of My Lost Body: Real Men Eat Meat and Other Masculinity Myths
It’s January and once again I begin thinking about losing weight. I keep track of my weight and keep losing and gaining the same 20 pounds. I eat pretty well, but I eat too much. Like most people, there are a million reasons why I weigh more than I want to weigh. I’ve always been... CONTINUE READING→
There’s a Limit to Setting Limits
Dear Mr. Dad: Anytime the topic of discipline comes up, everyone talks about how important it is to set limits. I agree, but it’s a lot easier to talk about it than to actually do it, especially when the kids (mine are 4 and 8) push back and challenge everything. How do you suggest we... CONTINUE READING→
Is There a Link between Dental Health and Men’s Fertility?
By now, we’ve all heard about the health risks of poor oral hygiene, which go far beyond toothaches, cavities and tooth loss. Neglecting your dental health can put you at greater risk for heart disease, respiratory problems, diabetes, stroke, arthritis and other medical issues. According to new research, it may also affect your ability to... CONTINUE READING→
Man and Fertility: As Simple as it Gets
Cooking is complicated, right? It doesn’t have to be. Sure, there are thousands of recipes, hundreds of foods, and dozens of condiments. But you can cook a really good meal in less than an hour just by buying fresh, using common pantry ingredients and forgetting about “wowing” the palate. And in the words of Chef... CONTINUE READING→
Skin Biopsies: What You Should Expect
Here are the 10 steps involved in having a skin biopsy. When you notice a concerning rash or mole on your skin, the body’s largest organ, it’s a good idea to see a dermatologist to have it evaluated. Sometimes after checking the area, your dermatologist may recommend a skin biopsy. Skin biopsies are an important part... CONTINUE READING→
Accusations of Sexual Assault: Today’s Salem Witch Trials?
I can write this because I am a woman. A man would be afraid to touch it… More than 400 years ago, nearly 100 years before ratification of the U.S. Constitution, mass hysteria took hold throughout the Massachusetts Bay Colony, most famously in Salem Village, outside of Boston. Almost 70 years ago the same fever... CONTINUE READING→
Restaurants and Kids: Think Twice Before Mixing
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a server at an upscale eatery and am constantly amazed at parents who bring their loud, unruly children into the restaurant and let them run wild. We’ve had kids trip servers, knock over bottles of expensive wine, disturb other customers, start food fights, and worse. As a parent myself, I would... CONTINUE READING→
Five Health Problems That Come from Excessive Humidity
Excessive humidity inside your home makes you feel uncomfortable. While minor discomfort is not a serious concern, there are some serious health issues that can develop when you spend a lot of time in an area where the humidity is consistently high. It’s important that you recognize the potential danger to your health and that... CONTINUE READING→
How are Testicles Like Bottles of Wine?
Some wines cellar well and some don’t. Which ones do you keep and which do you drink? There aren’t hard and fast rules here. Just know that 99% of wines should be drunk immediately as only 1% of wines age well. One of the oldest wines every drunk was from a 1200-year old winery in Wurzburger, Germany: it was 421... CONTINUE READING→