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Building a Relationship with Your Children
Dear Mr. Dad: My job requires long hours and frequent travel, which means that I rarely ever get to spend as much time with my 5-year-old daughter as I’d like to. What can I do to log some quality time with her, besides playing with dolls? A: Let’s start with the myth of “quality time.”... CONTINUE READING→
How Problems at Home Can Affect Your Health and State of Mind
You found the love of your life early on and feel lucky compared to others who remain single around you. And, then suddenly, you notice subtle and then drastic changes in your relationship. There are many reasons a relationship can fall apart. Lifestyle changes like a loss of a job, or a lack of communication... CONTINUE READING→
March Madness and the Yogic Vasectomy
It’s time of the year again! A time of tournaments and TV, massive couch potatoing and a general dumbing down of fatherly responsibilities. All in the name of sports. But men also tend to do something very unique during tournament month. They get snipped. A recent health insurance study found that during the first round of the NCAA tournament, 30% more... CONTINUE READING→
Three Ideas to Help Create a Less-Stressful Work Environment
As a business owner, you may at times feel like a circus performer trying to juggle several plates in the air at once while on a unicycle. While you’re doing everything in your power to not fall off the unicycle — or break any plates in the process — it’s almost inevitable that at least... CONTINUE READING→
Does Man Make the Sperm or Sperm Make the Man?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This ancient paradox filled the minds of the great philosophers Aristotle, Plutarch, Macrobius and Anaximander who all considered it a “great and weighty” problem. Not sure what else was going on back then, but even 2000 years later, it has not been satisfactorily solved. Which came first? An ancient... CONTINUE READING→
White Boy: A Summer Job and the Making of Manhood, Part III
20. Mid-July was a transition point for me in the warehouse. For the first time, I now had something interesting to do over the lunch break. In addition, I had become expert in my work, and had already cut the size of the pile of damaged bags in half. I felt that I could actually... CONTINUE READING→
Child Custody 101
Dear Mr. Dad: After three children and 16 years of marriage, my wife and I are splitting up. We’re getting along pretty well right now and are trying to figure out how to divide custody in a fair way. What are our options? A: Start by taking a look at last week’s column on co-parenting plans.... CONTINUE READING→
The Epigenetics Gold Rush: You Are More Than Just a Pile of Genes
Did you think that 2017 was a wild year? Me too. In so many ways, the improbable became reality. And, I have to admit, this includes science: It was a breathtaking year for epigenetics research. If you recall, epigenetics is the study of how our genes are switched on and off and is a field that came to light... CONTINUE READING→
Erectile Dysfunction Solutions
These treatments can help restore your sex life. Sexuality is an important part of the human experience, which is why a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction (ED) can be troubling for men and many couples. The good news is that there are many options to consider. “As couples age, they may lose intimacy unnecessarily,” says urologist Stanton Honig, MD,... CONTINUE READING→
White Boy: A Summer Job and the Making of Manhood, Part II
8. Over the next few days, I got better at my job. I became familiar with the dinky and organized all aspects of the reconditioning process. My arms and hands began to grow accustomed to the work. By the end of the first week, my daily output of reconditioned bags began to exceed the average... CONTINUE READING→