Prioritizing Men’s Health: Why It Saves Lives and Money

Shorter lifespans and higher rates of serious illnesses. An article from sheds light on why prioritizing men’s health not only saves lives but also reduces economic burdens. At Men’s Health Network (MHN), this message is at the core of our mission: reaching men, boys, and their families where they live, work, play, and pray.Continue reading

Why Are American Men Dying Younger? It’s Time to Build Awareness

The declining life expectancy of American men. This is more than a public health problem—it is a crisis that impacts families, communities, and workplaces across the country. Men’s Health Network (MHN) is dedicated to addressing these challenges, offering solutions to help men live longer and healthier lives, and supporting the families and communities that rely on them.Continue reading

being the breadwinner isn't always good

Men, Maybe Being The Breadwinner Is Not a Good Thing

Gendered expectations in marriage are not just bad for women, they are also bad for men, according to a new study by University of Connecticut (UConn) sociologists. Using data on the same nationally representative group of married men and women over 15 years, the authors examined the relationship between men’s and women’s relative income contributions...Continue reading

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