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neglected males in college

The Young American Male: A Shameful Chronology of Neglect

A Colleague Learns a Decades-Long Truth: Academics Barely Care about Young Men I was saddened but not surprised to read of my esteemed colleague Glenn Geher’s recent experience at our college (where I am an emeritus). At a meeting of administrators to discuss a panel of “highly successful female alumni,” where faculty were urged to encourage their... CONTINUE READING

manopause biological clock

Manopause and the Male Biological Clock

You’ve driven the same old car for years. Now, all of a sudden, you just have to have the newest Corvette? Do you find yourself obsessing about others half the age of your spouse? Are you feeling really old and depressed around the younger bucks at work? Are your sex drive and erections plummeting faster... CONTINUE READING

which body part predicts overall health

Which Body Part Predicts a Man’s Health Issues?

Sexual issues may signal other health problems that can affect younger men. Men, if you’re experiencing bedroom performance problems or any discomforts down under, don’t ignore them. Not only can trouble below the belt sideline your sex life, it may also be an early warning sign of disease. “The penis can be the barometer of... CONTINUE READING

stress causes depression in men

Why Does Stress Cause More Depression in Men Than in Women?

Sex and gender differences are central to our lives. We all think about them, struggle with them, and seek to better understand them. From Professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady who lamented “Why can’t a woman be more like a man” to Sigmund Freud who wondered “What do women really want?” to our nursery rhymes which... CONTINUE READING

Does Your Child Struggle with the Transition Back to School?

It’s hard to believe, but over the next few weeks, most kids will be back in school (my niece and nephews started last week and my newly minted high-schooler starts next week!). Summer flew by and I’m frantically transitioning my daughter out of her summer sleep schedules and gathering her school supplies. The beginning of... CONTINUE READING