Does Your Spouse Have Breast Cancer? You Need to Know This (and So Does She)

Over the past decade, women who’ve received a dreaded diagnosis of breast cancer, have tended to choose mastectomy (removal of the breast)—even in the case of small or early-stage cancers. However, women who combined a lumpectomy (removal of only the tumor) with radiation had significantly higher survival rates than those who opted for the mastectomy.Continue reading

Too Much of a Good Thing, Part 1: Testosterone, Prostate Cancer, and Baldness

Men whose hairlines have drastically receded early in life have a significantly higher risk of developing prostate cancer later on. But before you jump to any conclusions, understand that this is one of those causation-vs.-correlation things. In other words, baldness doesn’t cause prostate cancer and prostate cancer doesn’t cause baldness. But it appears that the...Continue reading

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