The news about testosterone changes so quickly that just reading about it could give you whiplash. On one hand, testosterone increases sex drive and muscle growth. That’s good. On the other hand, it’s associated with hair loss and increased risk of prostate cancer. That’s bad. Now new research is looking at testosterone as a way to increase weight loss and prevent diabetes. Definitely good.
The investigation is rooted in two established findings. First, that overweight men—and men with diabetes—often have low testosterone levels. “We know that as men get older and gain weight – especially when they become large around the belly – they often suffer from reduced testosterone levels,” says the study’s lead researcher, Dr Gary Wittert, at the University of Adelaide’s School of Medicine.
Second, low testosterone levels are often associated with reduced motivation—to exercise or take good care of yourself. “By giving testosterone supplements to men in that critical pre-diabetes stage, and by putting them on a dedicated weight-loss program, we expect to see sustained reductions in weight and a reduced chance to develop type 2 diabetes.”
Wittert and his colleagues are now tracking 1,500 Australian men who will receive testosterone supplements. He expects the study to last about two years. We’ll definitely keep you up to date as we follow Wittert’s study.