Men and Body Image: Guys Lose 2x the Weight in All-Male Groups Than in Co-ed Ones

It’s long been acknowledged that overweight women prefer to exercise and attend weight-management classes with other women. Surprisingly, it turns out that men may have the same body-image issues. Research presented at the recent European Congress on Obesity in Lyon, France, found that men enrolled in a 12-week, all-male weight loss class drooped an average...Continue reading

Coffee with Sam: An Interview with Cal Orey, Author of Five Books on Healing Powers of Food

I recently had the opportunity to have a virtual cup of coffee and chat with Cal Orey.  Author of five books about the healing powers of food, she is inspired by Mother Nature, health, relationships, and animals.  What kinds of foods can heal you?  I have no idea, you will have to read what Cal...Continue reading

Reality and Real Men: Opening up About Men’s Mental Health Issues

Depression and anxiety have been diagnosed at unprecedented levels in this country for years, and seem to only rise in concordance with the pace and demands of our time. Further, in an America that today is so identified with stress and success, not to mention the heightened burdens of economic struggle, we often ignore our...Continue reading

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