So, here we are, resolution time. ‘Course, we’ve been there before, and we all know how those prior resolutions fared. There isn’t one of us who doesn’t know about something he ought to work on and improve, whether it be gym time, weight issues, relationship issues, work/personal time balance. What gets in our way? Why...Continue reading
Tag: men’s health
4 Ways to Stick to Your New Year Resolution
With the New Year approaching, many people will be making promises to themselves in the form of New Year Resolutions. If the resolution was not something you had difficulty with and knew you could get through it you would probably save it for Lent (tongue-in-cheek). So in the spirit of helping you stick to your...Continue reading
The 50 Best Brain Foods
Here are the 50 Best Brain Foods as presented in Change Your Brain Change Your Body. 1. Almonds, raw 2. Almond milk, unsweetened 3. Apples 4. Asparagus 5. Avocados
The Importance of Father-Son Proximity and Initiation into the Masculine Culture
Friday after Thanksgiving was a lazy, windy, cold and gray day in Washington, D.C. I nearly forgot I had scheduled to meet a friend because he had expressed an interest in getting involved in men’s health issues. I got to our meeting place early, grabbed a hot chocolate to warm up, and a Wall Street...Continue reading
Medicare Evidence Development and Coverage Advisory Committee Recommends Medicare Reimbursement of Provenge
Yesterday, the Medicare Evidence Development and Coverage Advisory Committee’s (MEDCAC) vote on a number of questions amounted to a recommendation to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to cover Provenge, a therapeutic vaccine for men with advanced prostate cancer. While the recommendation was not overwhelmingly enthusiastic, Provenge clears one hurdle on its way...Continue reading
Prostate Cancer Policy Update: The Advocate’s Prostate Cancer Battle
The Federal Government has recently taken unconventional actions surrounding prostate cancer. Advocates keep in mind, healthcare policy is political and the right combination of hard work, preparation and advocacy is needed for success.Continue reading
Light the Night for Men’s Health November 21, 2010
Malecare , a men’s cancer support and advocacy organization, is leading the efforts for our country’s first annual Men’s Health Night on November 21. We’re asking every home to light a blue bulb that night, to honor the men we love, those who are living and those who we wish were still with us, our...Continue reading
New Men’s Health Website Launched by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
A new men’s health website called Healthy Men was launched today by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). AHRQ falls under the U.S Department of Health & Human Services. It primarily functions as a research agency and additionally provides research grants to academic institutions, private entities, and public organizations.
Prostate Cancer Screening Policy Update
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a large piece of legislation that can be confusing. Much of the legislation leaves the formation of regulations and implementation to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Men’s Health Network (MHN) is closely monitoring and analyzing regulatory developments for prostate cancer...Continue reading
Black Men Need More Awareness, Access to Prostate Cancer Screening
According to the 2009 National Healthcare Disparities Report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), “American men with prostate cancer were 25 percent less likely to die from the disease in 2006 than they were in 1999.” “The rate at which American men died from prostate cancer declined from 31 deaths to 23.5...