Men are more likely to die from most of the leading causes of death in the United States than women. It is unclear exactly why this is, but it is partially due to biological factors and partially due to personal lifestyle choices. On average, men die five years earlier than women. It’s important for men...Continue reading
Tag: men’s health
The Role of Sperm DNA Fragmentation in the Evaluation of the Male Fertility Patient
DNA is the genetic information contained in all cells, including sperm. Intact sperm DNA is necessary for normal egg fertilization (1, 2). Sperm that has DNA with breaks in the strands is abnormal, and is called “DNA fragmentation” This may cause sperm to function poorly and is not measured by the standard semen analysis. There...
Does He Have What I Had?
The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. “Doctor Turek, thanks for talking with me. I’ve been married to John for 30 years and lately it seems like his sex drive which has been pretty even-steven is now much lower. Not only that, his erections don’t last very long and he’s...Continue reading
How a Frankenpenis Helps Medicine
First heart transplants and now penis transplants! Maybe it’s the ocean air, maybe the bucolic African terrain, or maybe it’s the hardy souls who live there, but South Africa has done it again. The first working interhuman penis transplant. Urination? Check. Sexual function? Check. A veritable functioning Frankenpenis. Big Cojones Christiaan Barnard performed the first...Continue reading
He Really IS Listening…
Tired of the cold? Tired of brown snow? Good, because spring is one short week away. So, what’s your plan for sticking with that exercise plan you resolved to start on New Years? Here’s a hint: partner up! Behind the Man We all know that the biggest readers of the men’s health manual are…partners. Coupled men...Continue reading
March Madness Means Tying Tubes
The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic Traditionally, March Madness referred to the breeding season of the somewhat shy European rabbit. More recently in the U.S., it is a month of lots of college basketball playoffs, in which men are either glued to TVs or frantically attending games. In...Continue reading
Stay Loose to Keep Hard
Have you ever lost your wood when you wanted it most? Be honest. NEVER? Well then, you obviously haven’t lived through the slings and arrows of infertility. You’ve heard me say before that stress kills your love life. My favorite analogy is the caveman being chased by a woolly mammoth. Who wants to have sex when...Continue reading
Meaningful Moments from 2014
What a year! 2014 was certainly one of exploration and adventure and I am not just talking about the stock market, the Affordable Care Act or oil prices. In the realm of men’s health, here are some personal highlights: Testosterone comes under attack. The “elixir of life” for men became tainted with FDA warnings of associations with heart...Continue reading
What men need to know about testicular cancer
Did you know that every twenty-four hours, one man dies of testicular cancer? According to the American Cancer Society, it is one of the leading cancers in men between the ages of 15 and 35. The average age of diagnosis is 33 years old. Cancer is often thought of as an older person’s disease. However,...
C’mon Guys! Man Up.
I say it all the time. “Men are medically underserved.” I’ve shown you the facts to back this up. But what’s the solution? How do we actually plan to get men better medical care?