Congrats, graduates! Whether you’re heading into the working world or planning your next move, you have options for affordable health insurance that works for your life and your budget. Find your best options fast Under 30? Just answer a few quick questions to get a personalized guide that’ll help you make a good coverage decision....Continue reading
Tag: Medicaid
¿Se graduó? Tiene opciones de seguro médico
¡Felicidades, graduados! Ya sea que empiecen a trabajar o a planificar sus nuevos pasos, ustedes tienen opciones de seguro médico que se adapte a sus necesidades y presupuesto. Encuentre sus mejores opciones rápidamente ¿Es menor de 30 años? Conteste unas rápidas preguntas para obtener una guía personalizada que le ayudará a tomar una buena decisión...Continue reading
Men, Show Us Your Blue and Get Healthy
By: Al Fitzpayne, HHS Chief of Staff If you think working in Washington is tough, try coaching an 11-year-old girls’ basketball team. For the past five years now, during the winter months, I’ve had the distinct honor and pleasure to coach my daughter’s basketball team. As a coach, I have a great example to follow...Continue reading
Health Reform Unraveled: A Health Professional’s Perspective
Last week, Congress passed arguably the most comprehensive health legislation since Medicare. After over a year of passionate debate (and nearly a 100 years in the making), the bill was signed into law. Though not a perfect bill, far from it for many, the legislation establishes a fundamental social precedent where we as a society...Continue reading