In an effort to catch women's health up, there has been an overcompensation of preventative resources dedicated to women resulting in an eventual gap in men’s preventative services (Baker, 2021). With more and more preventative ads as well as interventions targeting non-men, many men are being left behind and ignored. The combination of men interacting with preventive services less and preventive services not focusing on men, an exponential effect of preventive care being underutilized takes place.Continue reading
Tag: Male Health
Advice from Men Who Have Overcome a Male Infertility Diagnosis
Men as a species are pretty good at adapting to the new or different, to judging and taking risks and to responding to the unknown. I didn’t say perfect, but pretty good. Indeed, this ability has allowed them to surf waves the size of mountains, run the mile in well under 4 minutes, run companies,...Continue reading
How Sperm May Be Related to Autism Diagnoses
You see the headlines, “Autism increased tenfold,” “Autism 1 in 2 by 2025,” and you wonder if it’s really true and why. Well, the fact is that autism rates are increasing among children. In the 1970s, autism spectrum disorder was reported in 1 in 5,000 children. In 2009, it was 1 in 110. Currently, about 1...
Dole’s career distinguished by efforts on behalf of men’s health
With his usual directness and humility, former Kansas senator and Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole, 97, announced in February that he is suffering from lung cancer. It was the second time he had announced a cancer diagnosis, but less exceptional than the first time. In 1991, his office released the news that he had undergone...
Removing men’s stigma of prostate cancer
A diagnosis of any type of cancer is unsettling and scary to say the least. But even more concerning is how some cancer diagnoses may conjure certain perceptions or feelings than other cancers. For example, a person who’s received a diagnosis of lung cancer, who also smoked for decades, may evoke stigma from his community...Continue reading
Why Is Emotional Health Stereotyped as a Woman’s Issue?
The age of social media has seen the normalization of various aspects of life previously considered taboo. A primary example of this is mental health awareness. Instagram and Twitter are overflowing with examples of females (some with large followings) sharing vulnerable stories about their struggles with depression, anxiety, and more. They openly discuss their journey...Continue reading
Men beware: Health warning signs not to ignore
Sometimes, pulling teeth feels easier than getting men into a doctor’s office. Blame it on male ego, feeling invincible, indestructible or just not wanting to know, men are likely ignoring signs or symptoms of potentially serious health issues. But even minor symptoms can be early warning signs of a bigger health problem down the road.Continue reading
Ditch your dad bod in 5 easy steps
Men with dad bods, beware. Your sex appeal appears to be dwindling. Maybe some women still profess to prefer a man with what they consider a sexy “dad bod” but new research finds that the pleasantly plump physique could likely increase health risks later in life.
COVID-19’s impact on American men’s mental health
COVID-19 has not been kind to men. Not only have more men had more severe cases of the infection but more men have died from it than women. Now, a study from a Cleveland Clinic survey took a look at about 1,000 men, age 18 and older, to assess how they are coping with the...
Researchers test ways to encourage healthier lifestyle in African-American men
African Americans could expect to live 14.6 fewer years than white Americans in 1900 but the gap between the lifespan of African American men and white men was slightly smaller at 14.1 years. By 2015, the gap for both sexes had shrunk to 3.4 years, based on Centers for Disease Control statistics, though the gap...