Using Research to Push a Narrative

There’s a noticeable trend in research about men and women that often tells only part of the story. A prime example is domestic violence studies that falsely claim women are the sole victims, while ignoring men’s experiences. This happens in other areas too—like reproductive coercion, teen violence, healthcare, and others. Women’s troubles are spotlighted, while men’s are overlooked. Once you see this pattern, it’s hard to unsee it. Researchers acknowledge that puberty is an important factor in these behaviors, but what does puberty primarily signal? It highlights the increase in testosterone levels in young males. However, the researchers never mention testosterone.Continue reading

male and female brain

This Truth About Males and Females Will Change Your View of Sex, Love, and Life Forever

In my latest book, 12 Rules for Good Men, that will come out later this year, I explore what I’ve learned in the last fifty years doing men’s work. In it, I report on a new study that offers startling new evidence to support the reality that there are significant, brain-based differences between males and females. My...Continue reading

More Deadly Differences: Who’s the Weaker Sex?

When we talk about male-female disparities in lifespan, we’re generally referring to the diseases and conditions that kill adult men and women: cancers, heart attacks, diabetes, and so on. If the discussion health disparities between male and female children and adolescents, the focus is usually on accidents and suicide—both of which end the lives of...Continue reading

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