Over the years, there have been dozens of studies that document the health benefits of resveratrol, a natural chemical found in the skin of red grapes, pomegranates, and elsewhere. Those benefits include improving cardiovascular functioning, reducing diabetes symptoms, heart attack and cancer risks, lowering cholesterol, slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s, and generally protecting against age-related...Continue reading
Tag: brott
Getting up More Than Once to Pee? Better Get Checked
Most men get up to use the bathroom multiple times every night tend to put the blame on age, or prostate conditions. Then, as we do with most physical ailments and inconveniences, we ignore them. But that’s a really bad idea.
HPV: Michael Douglas—and Male Health Advocates—Were Right
A few weeks ago, actor Michael Douglas caused quite a stir by claiming that the throat cancer that nearly took his life was caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), which he contracted while performing oral sex on his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones. And while Douglas’ statements provoked a lot of jokes, cancer specialists and many other medical...Continue reading
Pregnancy Fraud: The Latest Scam
It’s entirely possible that I simply don’t understand women. Actually, it’s more than just possible—it’s almost certain. But can someone explain why some women feel the need to entrap men into relationships? One time-honored approach is for the woman to convince the guy that she’s pregnant. The hope is that he’ll be a stand-up guy...Continue reading
Health Disparities in Post-Cancer Healthcare
A new study has found that older African American and Hispanic men who have survived cancer are far less likely than White men the same age to get follow-up care from a specialist or have basic vaccinations. Interestingly, there were no racial or ethnic differences in post-cancer healthcare between younger male cancer survivors. The study,...Continue reading
The Danger of Skipping Breakfast and Midnight Snacks
We all know that a low-fat, high-fiber diet and plenty of fruits and vegetables is good for us. But assuming a healthy diet, when you eat may be more important than what or how often you eat. Leah Cahill—a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health—and her team analyzed the eating habits of nearly...Continue reading
Are Statins the New Miracle Drug?
If you’re between 40 and 60 and aren’t taking a statin drug, talk to your healthcare provider about getting a prescription. Statins are typically prescribed for patients who have high cholesterol or some other risk factor of heart disease. But a new report has found that middle-aged men who don’t have heart disease can benefit...Continue reading
Pay More Attention to Young Men’s Mental Health
A recent report on the mental health of young men (ages 16-25) in Australia, is attracting a lot of attention from mental health professionals, parents, politicians, teachers, and, of course, the guys. One of the study’s key discoveries was that a fifth of young men say that life isn’t worth living and one in 10...Continue reading
Pass the “Playboy”—I Need to Relax
Years ago, I tried to explain to a girlfriend that looking at hot women was good for me—after all, I argued, a few minutes of fast breathing and increased heart rate every day would help lower my risk of having a heart attack or a stroke, just like doing aerobics or jogging would. That relationship...Continue reading
Reducing Prostate Cancer: Fat Chance (and That’s a Good Thing)
In a previous post, we talked about how omega-3 fatty acids—as beneficial as they are in many ways—have been shown to increase prostate cancer risk, especially of the most aggressive and deadly forms. But other types of fats, including avocados, nuts, olive and vegetable oils (especially canola), and seeds, have precisely the opposite effect: they...Continue reading