Understanding Men’s Perspectives on Menopause: An Invitation to Join in on New Research

Menopause is a significant life stage for women, but it also impacts the men in their lives. Understanding how men experience this transition is crucial for developing support systems that work for both partners. Your participation could be the key to creating resources that will benefit couples facing this transition in the future. By sharing your experiences, you will help close the empathy gap and foster a culture where men and women feel equally supported during menopause.Continue reading

Nutrition as We Age: Healthy Eating with the Dietary Guidelines

Good nutrition across the lifespan helps prevent chronic disease — and we know that it’s never too late to make improvements to support healthy aging. Older adults are at greater risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer — as well as health conditions related to changes in muscle and bone mass, such...Continue reading

aging and driving

Keeping Your Loved One Safe on the Road: Warning Signs and Driving Tips 

It can be difficult to see our parents age, especially as the aging process starts to limit their capabilities, dismantle lifestyles and, in particular, corrode their independence. Despite this difficult time, your responsibility is to intervene when your aging parent shows signs of behavior that could be a risk to themselves or others, particularly driving....Continue reading


Detecting Early Signs of Alzheimer’s

The elusive cause of Alzheimer’s disease continues to frustrate researchers but they are getting better at discovering earlier indicators of it. A new report from researchers at the University of Calgary in Canada presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2016 (AAIC 2016), have developed a 38-point checklist that could be beneficial to doctors in...Continue reading

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