coparenting through divorce

Successfully Co-Parenting through Divorce

Dear Mr. Dad: My wife and I are in the midst of what’s turning out to be a rather unpleasant divorce. We can’t stand to be anywhere near each other and conversations are pretty much impossible. The only thing we agree on (besides that we shouldn’t be married anymore) is that our kids need both of us. How can we come up with an arrangement that will ensure that we both get to see our kids?

A: What you’re talking about is generally referred to as “co-parenting,” and the most important thing to know about it is that you and your ex don’t need to like each other to make it work. Below are some strategies that you can implement right now that will help the two of you design and build a strong co-parenting relationship that will last as long as you’re divorced (which will probably be a very long time).

Read the rest of this article here.

Armin Brott

View posts by Armin Brott
Armin Brott is the proud father of three, a former U.S. Marine, a best-selling author, radio host, speaker, and one of the country’s leading experts on fatherhood. He writes frequently about fatherhood, families, and men's health. Read more about Armin or visit his website, You can also connect via social media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,  and Linkedin.
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