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The Resurrection of Father Earth and the Return of True Partnership Between Men and Women
I was introduced to Father Earth in 1993 and wrote about my experience in an article, “The Resurrection of Father Earth and the Return of True Partnership Between Men and Women.” Since then my life has never been the same. When Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Women Who Run With The Wolves, offered her poem, chills ran down my... CONTINUE READING→
What Happens to Birth Rates During Pandemics?
At first glance, you’d think that staying at home (by law) during the COVID-19 pandemic would mean more babies being born. After all, conception rates are seasonal, with the highest rates occurring during the winter months when we’re all huddled inside. Romance and sex are all about contact time, right? Turns out, it’s a bit more complicated... CONTINUE READING→
The Long and the Short of It (No, Not That…)
Dear Healthy Men: I’m only 5’7” and over my whole adult life, I feel that it’s been harder for me to date than for my friends who are taller than I am. And lately I’ve started to wonder whether there are any other issues, health included, that might affect short men more than taller guys.... CONTINUE READING→
The Ultimate Guide for Solving People-Problems: Hint, All Problems Are People-Problems
No one has to tell you that we face a host of problems in the world today, everything from the global Coronavirus pandemic to global warming; increasing anxiety and depression to a collapsing economy; racism and police violence to divorce and domestic violence. Think of any problem that needs to be solved and you’ll find... CONTINUE READING→
Where You Get Your Semen Analysis Done Matters
Quick question. Which matters more: How you collect your semen sample or who analyzes it? Correct, it’s who you give it to that matters more. Barring major interruptions or large faults in technique, collecting semen is basically triggering a spinal reflex that’s pretty consistent in humans, kind of like a light switch. But to properly... CONTINUE READING→
Eating Disorders. Yeah, Sometimes It’s a Guy Thing
Dear Healthy Men: Settle a bet. My buddy says men and boys sometimes get eating disorders. I say only females can. Who’s right? A: Sadly, your buddy is, but you’re far from alone. In fact, I think most believe that women and girls are the only ones affected by eating disorders. But here are the facts:... CONTINUE READING→
How to Prepare for the Next Pandemic So You Won’t Panic When It Arrives
People are tired of hearing about Covid-19–How many are dying, who is being hospitalized, which states are closing down again, whether we can send our kids to school, and who’s to blame for this tragedy. There are three common reactions: (1) Forget the virus. Get on with our lives, Sturgis, here I come. (2) Stay... CONTINUE READING→
Love in the Time of a Pandemic
A tiny virus about 1/50 the size of a red blood cell and containing a short little strand of RNA has rocked our world. According to Kelly Clark, the COVID virus “…is just an inexplicable, purposeless mutation” hoisted upon us, like it or not. It has maimed or killed hundreds of thousands around the world with brutal... CONTINUE READING→
Unequal Justice: Gender-Based Disparities in the Courts
Dear Healthy Men: I’ve been reading about actress Lori Loughlin and her husband, who were recently sentenced for their part in the college admissions scandal. What really struck me was the difference in their sentences. She got two months in prison, a $150,000 fine, and some community service. He got five months in prison, a... CONTINUE READING→
Bullshit Jobs and the Real Work Revolution in the Post Covid-19 World
With Coronavirus deaths continuing to increase world-wide, the U.S. death toll now approaching 160,000, and our economy in free fall, it may be difficult to recognize the positive things that the Covid-19 crisis is trying to teach us. Here, I’ll share a few that I see: