Natural Remedies To Help Fight Hair Loss In Men

Hair loss is a problem that a lot of people all over the world face. With some cases of hair loss, the cause can be hereditary which means they cannot be fixed with natural remedies. However, there are procedures such as the DHI procedure in Turkey that can help to return your hairline procedures such as the DHI procedure in Turkey that can help to return your hairline to where it once was with a quick and painless procedure. But if you feel as though your hair loss is not sufficient enough to warrant such a procedure at this time, we have compiled a list of natural remedies to help you fight your signs of hair loss with quick solutions.

Scalp Massage

Caring for your hair is a challenge with the stresses of everyday life and although we are supposed to shed up to 100 hairs a day there are many that experience hair loss far more severe. By incorporating a scalp massage into your daily routine, you can help to stimulate the follicles in the scalp allowing the hair to grow naturally. This can be done whilst washing your hair to promote healthy growth by increasing the blood flow to this area. This can also help to calm other issues that you may be experiencing with your scalp such as dryness or dandruff.

Reducing Stress

Another way that you can care for your hair is by reducing the amount of stress that you experience on a daily basis. In doing so you are less likely to stunt the growth and ensuring that your hair is healthy. There are a number of ways that you can reduce stress such as practising Yoga or self-care and even taking time out for a walk-through nature. Nature is proven to have positive effects when looking at reducing stress as this helps to promote wellness and positive mental health. By spending at least ten minutes a day in the countryside you can help to gradually release the stress of a busy city life.

Onion Juice

One of the more unusual ways of caring for your hair is by applying onion juice to the scalp. This solution is commonly used to prevent the thinning and breakage of the hair as well as reversing the premature signs of grey hair. Although this can generate a smell of onions when left on your hair for a long period of time, this can then be washed off with a mild shampoo until the smell is completely removed. To do so simply peel and cut onions and place them in a blender. Blend and run through a cloth or sieve to remove any lumps. This is then ready to be applied to the hair once a week to achieve outstanding results.


Oil can be a great natural remedy for your hair as it has a number of healing properties. Whether you opt for peppermint oil and its healing properties or the use of lavender oil to reduce stress and tension there are a number of oils that can help you to promote healthy hair. These can either be applied to the scalp directly in a specialised treatment or they can be found in a number of shampoos that are specially designed to suit different hair types. If you are applying these to the scalp they should be rinsed out with warm water and a mild shampoo to ensure that all oil is removed from the scalp. If not removed correctly this can lead to the hair creating excess oil, causing your hair to look greasy throughout the course of the day.

Regardless of which of these hair treatments you choose to promote overall growth, you are sure to get the results you want with a structured hair care regime that is followed meticulously. Which will you choose to start with first?  

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