Embracing Change: Why Men are No Longer Hesitant to Undergo Orthodontic Treatment


Men getting braces? Surprised? Well, we’re not.

Men are no longer afraid to get orthodontic treatment as they embrace self-improvement and the social stigma around braces has disappeared which has led to more men getting braces in recent times.

Here are four great reasons why men are getting adult braces nowadays:

  1. Braces for Men are No Different than Braces for Women

The benefits of having braces are the same for both men and women. Clear aligners, lingual braces, ceramic braces, Invisalign and traditional metal braces all achieve the same purpose regardless of what your gender is.


  1. More Young Men Want to Correct their Smiles

44% of adults that get orthodontic treatment are men nowadays. A lot of men across different ages are opting for orthodontic treatment as they have realized the benefits of having braces as well as the fact that orthodontic treatment has no age limits. Some guys get orthodontic treatment in their early to mid-twenties when they have a more disposable income and are able to pay for the treatment that their parents could not afford to give them when they were teenagers. This age group tends to be practical about getting their treatment and are not afraid of showing their orthodontic appliances.


An increasing number of men in their 30s and 40s have also joined the trend of getting braces later as they have become a lot more self-aware and want to get an orthodontic treatment done for purely for aesthetic reasons. This older age group tends to prefer more subtle orthodontic appliance options such as lingual braces and clear aligner treatment if possible.


  1. Men Have Gotten Over Stereotypes and Become More Health Conscious

Usually, men would only visit an orthodontist if they had an urgent oral problem such as having lost a tooth or suffered from an accident which could have affected their jaw. They usually didn’t understand that their painful bite or misaligned jaw was not a normal problem. More men have begun to embrace the benefits of getting orthodontic treatment as awareness about how it improves your overall health and self-confidence has increased a lot.


Previously there was a misconception of orthodontic treatment being seen as “unmanly” which isn’t true as many of the men today have come to realize. Orthodontic treatment has become a lot more advanced than before and specialist orthodontists also realize how safe and efficient orthodontic treatment can be given which leads to men making more appointment to improve their bite or smiles.


  1. Differences Between How Men and Women Approach their Orthodontic Treatment

A lot of women tend to get orthodontic treatment for their personal cosmetic reasons and tend to do a lot of their own research prior to scheduling their first appointment and will come armed with questions.


Men, on the other hand, are not as self-driven as men when it comes to scheduling appointments with their orthodontists and most of them only tend to visit their orthodontist at the insistence/suggestion of their partners. Unfortunately, this only gives them a vague idea of the entire process which makes them less inclined to have any questions or goals regarding the type of treatment that they will be getting which also pushes them to be a lot more likely to follow the guidelines of their orthodontist.


What to Do if You Want to See an Orthodontist?

You don’t need a referral to schedule a dental appointment with a specialist orthodontist. You can simply check for one online in your area or you can simply get suggestions from friends or family and contact to schedule your appointment.

If you’re thinking of getting braces or any other orthodontic treatment options, there are a lot more options available now that will give you the best possible results.


Sharon William’s day job is to handle digital marketing for Koch Orthodontics in Lawrenceville, GA. With a flair for creating compelling content that clears the clutter and connects with the audience in an instant, she writes about dental topics to educate and help her readers. She truly believes that a genuine smile can win a million hearts and talks to her readers about improving their smiles and overall dental health, as well as enhancing their overall lifestyle. In her free time, she likes to organize small meets in her neighborhood where she brings people together to discuss various topics that she writes about. 

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