Approximately 50% of all males will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetimes. A cancer diagnosis is typically fraught with a flurry of clinical activity, which is necessary to clarify the extent of the disease and to delineate the appropriate next steps in treatment. In the midst of all of this clinical...Continue reading
Category: Uncategorized
Cancer: Not an Equal-Opportunity Killer
Men are 35% more likely than women to die of cancer. And if you factor out sex-specific cancer (in other words, you count only those cancers that kill both men and women), men are 67% more likely than women to die of cancer. Those figures are from a report produced by the Cancer Research UK,...
Heart Disease and Stroke Risk May Be Eggs-aggerated
Everyone knows that eating lots of eggs increases your risk for heart disease and stroke. Well, it turns out that everyone may be wrong. A recent study set out to investigate whether eggs are as bad as popular mythology holds they are, and if they are, to see exactly how eggs affect stroke- and heart-attack...Continue reading
5 Things You Don’t Know about Bladder Cancer, but Should
As far as being the ‘elephant in the room’ goes, Bladder cancer wins this title hands down. And it’s rather surprising that it’s rarely spoken about since its incidence rate is significant.
As Your Penis Goes, So Goes Your Heart
If you’re having trouble maintaining an erection, print this post out and make an appointment with your healthcare provider. Researcher in Australia found that men who self-reported severe erectile dysfunction had a 35% increase in the risk of hospitalization for all heart-related diseases, and a 93% increased risk of death—even if they had no history...Continue reading
How and Why Dads Can Befriend Their Ex
In a recent talk I gave to divorced parents, after I finished speaking about the benefits of creating a friendly divorce, an angry voice called out, “Befriend my ex? You must be kidding! Truly, I’d like to behead her- not befriend her!” You may be asking this question, too: Befriend someone who cheated on me...Continue reading
Sometimes Getting a “D” in Nutrition is Exactly What You Want
Three recent studies highlight growing recognition of the importance of vitamin D. First, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found that pregnant women with low levels of vitamin D are more likely than those with normal D levels to give birth to low-birthweight babies. That’s especially important because, babies born at less-than-optimal birth weights are...Continue reading
Nurturing Is For Men Too
Many men in our fast-paced, production-oriented culture have no experience of what being truly nurtured feels like. Being able to nurture yourself is the heart of renewal. The nurturing process is essential to an open, clear, free mind, as well as being the foundation for a supple, resilient, unstressed physical body, and for emotional stability....Continue reading
Could You Be Twice the Man You Think You Are?
I recently did a post on how parents of overweight and obese children routinely underestimate just how overweight their kids are. A recent study from Ireland has found that overweight adults are at least as clueless (or in denial) about their own weight. And they get less and less accurate over time. Over the course...Continue reading
Soak Up The Sun To Keep Away Diabetes
As if winter blues weren’t reason enough to seek out the sun, it appears that there is one more excuse to take that beach vacation you’ve been contemplating for a while. On a serious note though, adequate levels of vitamin D have been linked with reducing the risk of type 1 diabetes by half. And...Continue reading