Do you know how Viagra got its start? Pfizer developed it to relieve a type of chest pain, angina, that’s associated with severe heart disease. They thought it might work better than nitrate paste or pills, the standard of the day. Guess what? It didn’t. But the men in the clinical trial wouldn’t give the...Continue reading
Category: Sex
Testosterone: 10 Surprising Things Every Woman and Man Needs to Know
In her book, Eve’s Rib: The New Science of Gender-Specific Medicine Marianne J. Legato M.D says, “Everywhere we look, the two sexes are startlingly and unexpectedly different not only in their internal function but in the way they experience illness.” To begin with there are 10 trillion cells in the human body and every one...Continue reading
In Defense of Our Sperm
Nichoas Kristof, in his New York Times Op-ed piece, has side stepped his usual poignant political commentary to pontificate on sperm and its implications for the survival of our species. Got to wonder what he’s putting in his coffee nowadays. Struggling Sperm His piece begins with the notions that human sperm have lost their once-nice...Continue reading
What Men Want More Than Sex But Are Terrified to Admit
My recent article, “The One Thing Men Want More Than Sex” has garnered more than 400,000 readers on the Good Men Project and my own site, Given the responses I received, it is a topic that resonates deeply with men and women. Since I only write about things that I’m interested in, I’ll say...Continue reading
Libido and Erections: Birds of a Feather
I take care of lots of men with erection dysfunction. I also take care of lots of men with low sex drive. And, as you can imagine, I see a lot of men with both issues. And this is where men’s health gets really interesting. Inside My Mind I think of erections and libido as...Continue reading
The Art of Choosing Wisely
Certain stories really raise my eyebrows. A patient recently told me about how he had seen three orthopedic surgeons who told him that he needed hip surgery for pain that began when he was chaperoning on a Boy Scout outing. He then saw a chiropractor who thought that his hip was slightly out of rotation and...Continue reading
Getting Snipped and Getting Cancer
You’re done with the kid thing and thinking of getting your wings clipped. What can go wrong early on after a vasectomy is pretty understandable and, fortunately, quite uncommon. But what about later on, say many years afterwards? Anything you should worry about? Worry Wart I get asked this all the time by patient’s considering...Continue reading
Effective Ways to Improve Your Sexual Health
Being in a relationship may require you to be sexually active, and you will want to enjoy this part of life in the process. However, the challenges of getting older can make this more difficult for many men. In fact, studies show that 50% of men begin to have erectile dysfunction at around the age...Continue reading
Pubic Hair Removal May Increase STDs
If your personal grooming habits include “going bare down there” beware – a new study finds those who indulge in a Brazilian bikini wax or other forms of grooming pubic hair are three to four times more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) including herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV) or syphilis. The study wanted...Continue reading
Too Much Viagra Could Be Dangerous For Your Health
Like it or not, the ability to produce a firm erection on demand is a pretty important component of men’s identity—both to us and to our sexual partners. So when that ability wanes (as is the case for more than 30 million American men who suffer from erectile dysfunction–ED), many guys make a mad dash...Continue reading