Lifestyle changes can sometimes help improve your ability to conceive. If you’re like most men who encounter fertility issues, you probably never thought you’d end up wondering what’s wrong. Conceiving a child is supposed to be easy. So easy, you might have taken measures to prevent it when you weren’t ready. Plenty of men aren’t having...Continue reading
Category: Sex
#Me(n) Too: Why Sexual Abuse is a Men’s Issue Not Just a Women’s Issue
More and more men are being recognized as sexual abusers and more and more women are coming out telling the truth about having been abused. We have gotten used to seeing rich and famous men including Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, and Donald Trump being held to account for their abusive behavior. More recently we have...Continue reading
Manopause and the Male Biological Clock
You’ve driven the same old car for years. Now, all of a sudden, you just have to have the newest Corvette? Do you find yourself obsessing about others half the age of your spouse? Are you feeling really old and depressed around the younger bucks at work? Are your sex drive and erections plummeting faster...Continue reading
Sexual Harassment Is Everyone’s Problem
Dear Mr. Dad: Over the past month, I don’t think there’s been a day without a news story of some famous person being accused of sexual assault or harassment. I’m disgusted by these men’s behavior, but I’m concerned that one group of victims is being left out: men who are assaulted or harassed by women....Continue reading
Genetic Advance for Male Birth Control
When it comes to birth control, many males turn to two options: condoms or vasectomies. While the two choices are effective, both methods merely focus on blocking the transportation of sperm. New research led by Michigan State University and published in Nature Communications, however, has given scientists a genetic foundation for a different option. Chen...Continue reading
Can I Get an STD Even When Wearing a Condom?
Many people mistakenly believe that using a condom completely protects from all sexually transmitted diseases, however, this is not the truth. It is still very possible to contract dangerous illnesses, even if a condom is used. Keep reading for some valuable information regarding the possibility of spreading a sexually transmitted disease while still using protection....Continue reading
Bedroom Signs That Your Man Might Have Health Troubles
Concerned about his lack of interest or other changes in his performance? It may be time to encourage him to see a doctor. The intimate moments you share with the man in your life are important to your bond—and potentially his health. That’s because, depending on how observant he is about his body, you may...Continue reading
Manopause and the Male Biological Clock
You’ve driven the same old car for years. Now, all of a sudden, you just have to have the newest Corvette? Do you find yourself obsessing about others half the age of your spouse? Are you feeling really old and depressed around the younger bucks at work? Are your sex drive and erections plummeting faster...Continue reading
Which Body Part Predicts a Man’s Health Issues?
Sexual issues may signal other health problems that can affect younger men. Men, if you’re experiencing bedroom performance problems or any discomforts down under, don’t ignore them. Not only can trouble below the belt sideline your sex life, it may also be an early warning sign of disease. “The penis can be the barometer of...Continue reading
The Importance of STI Screening
The first thing to know about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is that you don’t need to have sex to become affected by one. Any form of skin-on-skin contact with another person could be sufficient to transfer an STI if the other party is already affected. That’s not to say that you will have an STI...Continue reading