First of all, Happy New Year! USA Today featured a comprehensive story on college football coaches and their total salaries (breakdowns of base salaries and bonuses, etc.) in early November. The highest paid coaches in 2009 lead the most prestigious football programs in the country, including Pete Carroll of Southern California, Bob Stoops of Oklahoma...Continue reading
Category: Health
Head Injuries in the NFL and Beyond
There are few things more satisfying than watching a rival quarterback receive a blind-side sack or seeing your team’s DB lay out a receiver on an incomplete pass in slow-mo. Of course, this is only true as long as the recipient is able to get up and walk off the field, as nobody would actually...Continue reading
HPV Not Your Problem? Think Of Yourself As A Disease Reservoir
We, as a species, seem to spend a great deal of time blaming others for our problems and nowhere is this truer than when referring to health. Whether it is patients blaming doctors, doctors blaming government, government blaming insurance companies, the finger is always pointed at someone else. This is something that needs to change. ...Continue reading
Prostate Cancer Awareness, Part II
Football games are a time for indulgences like burgers, brats, and beer but even then we can still find ways to promote a cause for a health condition that effects one in six American men. This past Sunday, the Men’s Health Network collaborated with the Washington Redskins at their season home opener in support of...Continue reading
Prostate Cancer Awareness
This past weekend, the Prostate Cancer Research Institute held its annual conference in Los Angeles, hosting over a dozen experts on prostate health and 600 participants. According to PCRI volunteers, the purpose of the conference is to provide an avenue for those with prostate cancer and their loved ones to get more information about managing...Continue reading
It takes effort…
The summer of 2009 is almost over and looking back at the past two-and-a-half months, I realize that it’s been an extremely busy one. Health reform debates and symposia at various think tanks; briefings with health policy experts on the Hill; and editorials on the public option and “death panels” scatter websites and newspapers across...Continue reading
In the Market for Better Health
If you’re not familiar with a farmer’s market in your area, you’re missing out. The freshest food is grown locally, you can get some surprisingly good deals, and there’s something special about connecting with the people who are growing the food you eat. Plus, the earlier you get to your food, the more you will...Continue reading
All about the numbers
For a majority of men, it is all about the numbers especially sports fans. They can recite statistics of their favorite teams and players without hesitation: Lebron James, the 2009 NBA regular season MVP averaged 28 points, 7 assists and 7 rebounds last year; the Los Angeles Lakers won their 15th NBA championship, 2 behind...
More progress towards reducing tobacco use
An article by USA today (click here for article) reported that retail chains are making progress towards reducing tobacco use in the US. More specifically, New Hampshire, Illinois, and Tennessee all have Bills pending to bar pharmacies with walk in clinics from selling tobacco products. New York has a Bill that would ban all pharmacies,...Continue reading
Restaruants banning smoking helps reduce youth smoking
The Los Angeles Times reports that restaurants that ban smoking also help reduce the number of youths who light up. (click here for article). When young adults are not given an environment where they can openly partake in an unhealthy habit, they are less likely to continue the behavior. This article is a good example...Continue reading