Exercise increases prostate cancer survival

A new study from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden has found that men with localized prostate cancer who exercise have better survival rates than men who don’t exercise. The study was published in December 2014 in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. In the past, research has suggested that exercise could reduce prostate...Continue reading

Tips To Avoid Holiday Health Risks

Overeating/weight gain. Holiday cookies, eggnog, and left-over food are just some of the things many of us indulge, or over-indulge, in during the holidays. While everyone should feel free to enjoy the holidays with some treats, many feel a lack of self-control when surrounded by delicious foods and desserts. Eating too much once in a...Continue reading

8 Tips To Have A Healthy Hanukkah

1. Replace dairy with dairy-free or plant-based products a. Soy, almond, hazelnut, coconut milk: Rich in calcium and proteins b. Rich in calcium, proteins, vitamins and minerals c. Can help protect against heart disease d. Less fat and calories 2. Bake instead of fry a. i.e. Latkes, sufganiyots (doughnuts) b. Use less oil and/or use...Continue reading

Vitamin D may prevent prostate cancer growth

Researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center have found that vitamin D can help block a protein that causes prostate tumors to grow. Published in the journal Prostate, they discovered that inflammation may be the link between vitamin D and prostate cancer. They found that the gene GDF-15 – known to be up-regulated by...Continue reading

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