He Really IS Listening…

Tired of the cold? Tired of brown snow? Good, because spring is one short week away. So, what’s your plan for sticking with that exercise plan you resolved to start on New Years? Here’s a hint: partner up! Behind the Man We all know that the biggest readers of the men’s health manual are…partners. Coupled men...Continue reading

Nutritional Recommendations For Male Infertility Patients

It is estimated that one in eight couples have difficulty with conception. Of those who have difficulty, approximately 50% of the time, there is an issue with the male partner (i.e., male factor).  Fortunately, it is relatively easy to assess whether there is a male factor present or not by having the male collect a...Continue reading

10 Tips for Keeping Those Resolutions

Making New Year’s resolutions is as easy as rolling off a log. Keeping them, however is an entirely different matter. Here are facts: 45% of Americans make some kind of New Year’s resolution, yet 40% of them give up on a resolution before the end of January. Here are some tips to help you keep your promises this year: Be reasonable. Losing weight is...Continue reading

Boiled coffee lowers prostate cancer risk

A new study from Norway found that men who drink boiled coffee may have a lower risk of prostate cancer. The study was conducted by Dr. Aage Tverdal of the Department of Pharmacoepidemiology at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and was published in the British Journal of Cancer. The study came after a report published in...Continue reading

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