Healthy living doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it requires months of consistency and conviction. A healthy lifestyle, though challenging when first starting out, has innumerable benefits and truly enriches your mind, body and soul. It isn’t enough to take on a short-term diet or sign up for this month’s workout fad. Instead, wellness should be...Continue reading
Category: Fitness
Do Your Feet Swell After Running? What it Could Mean and How to Treat It.
If you are an avid runner, you might wear your running shoes a half size, or more, larger than your dress shoes due to foot swelling. In fact, foot swelling is a common complaint of many runners. However, a recent study by the University of Nevada indicates that foot swelling may not always be an...Continue reading
Belly fat worse for older men than low testosterone
Belly fat worse for older men than low testosterone | Reuters.
Put Down The Kettlebell, Pick Up A Dirt Bike
The list of high-intensity activities that some men subjugate themselves to in order to burn off calories reads like a list from the Spanish Inquisition. Spinning, rowing, and Pilates all may help you to lose weight, but if you’re going to these gym sessions after eating raw kale and beet juice, you may be wondering...Continue reading
Back for the Future: Tips to Prevent a Life of Lumbar Pain
The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has reported that nearly 80% of all people will experience some form of severe back pain in their lives, and is the most common place people get hurt at work. Back injury is commonly caused by improper lifting technique, repetitive straining, or sudden force, but even poor posture or...Continue reading
Is Your Job Causing Your Back Pain?
Back pain is almost as common as headache pain, and the most common work-related disability according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. It’s expensive too, costing sufferers billions of dollars each year. The lower back, or lumbar region, is the most common area for back pain. Few people are immune to back...Continue reading
Is high-impact physical activity beneficial for older adults? | American Council on Science and Health (ACSH)
A lot of people are concerned that high-impact exercise might harm adults older 30 or so. Turns out that not only is high-impact exercise not harmful, it actually does a lot of good. So it’s time to get hopping. Is high-impact physical activity beneficial for older adults? | American Council on Science and Health (ACSH).
MMA Workouts to Shed Excess Pounds
When the average person looks at a professional MMA fighter on fight night, they likely see a ripped physical specimen hovering somewhere around an ultra-lean 7% body fat. This image of body perfection may seem like an unattainable ideal to the millions of desk jockeys out there whose most strenuous daily physical activity likely consists...Continue reading
Why Heat Beats Ice for Workout Recovery & Healing
Ice is to physical soreness like alcohol is to emotional ailments. People are quick to resort to it as a band-aid for pain or discomfort. Yet, just as a bottle of wine will only make a person feel better temporarily, ice is also a security blanket that doesn’t get to the root issues of healing....Continue reading
Ouch! My Muscles Hurt! 6 Tips to Remove Lactic Acid Faster
When we work out strenuously, our muscles compensate for lack of oxygen by producing lactate, a.k.a. lactic acid, which allows the muscles to utilize glucose for energy. Once lactic acid is produced, it can remain in the muscles, causing pain and soreness that usually peaks between 24-72 hours after the vigorous workout. Unfortunately, anyone who...Continue reading