In a previous post, we talked about how omega-3 fatty acids—as beneficial as they are in many ways—have been shown to increase prostate cancer risk, especially of the most aggressive and deadly forms. But other types of fats, including avocados, nuts, olive and vegetable oils (especially canola), and seeds, have precisely the opposite effect: they...Continue reading
Category: Cardio
Could Ikea Be the Next Health Food Store?
The Mediterranean diet—rich in beans, fish, fresh vegetables, nuts, olive oil, and whole grains—is widely considered a heart-healthy way to lower cholesterol, lose weight, and reduce a variety of health risks. The diet is based on traditional foods eaten in Greece, southern Italy, and Spain. But what if you live someplace where cultural differences and...Continue reading
How Much Exercise Do We Really Need?
Over the years, we’ve done a number of posts on this blog about how much exercise we (and our children) should be getting. The general consensus is at least 30 minutes every day (or a total of 150 minutes per week). Unfortunately, about 80% of us aren’t coming anywhere near that target. So, in what...Continue reading
More Fascinating D-scoveries (bout Vitamin D)
It seems like every day there’s more interesting news about the benefits of vitamin D. Here are a few of the most recent: We’ve all physically overdone it at some point—say, by lifting more than you should have, running or biking or swimming further than you should have, playing basketball longer than you should have,...Continue reading
Tri-ing too Hard Could Kill You
Whether you’re working out for hours or you’re just doing mini workouts, there’s no question that exercise is good for you. But, according to cardiologist, there may actually be a point where too much exercise becomes dangerous—especially for men 40 and older who are competing in triathlons. The biggest risk is sudden cardiac arrest, which...Continue reading
The Politics of Men’s Fitness
It’s well known that being in good physical shape has amazing health benefits. But a recent study has found that men who are strong (especially in the upper body) are more likely to be politically conservative than physically weaker men (interestingly, there’s no similar connection between women’s physical strength and their politics. A second study...Continue reading
On the Horizon: Health News You’ll Be Hearing about Soon
It often seems that there’s a new breakthrough in medicine almost every day—sometimes even more often. Here are several discoveries that, while in the early stages, are showing a lot of promise. We’ll keep you up to date on how these discoveries develop.
Human Oral Papillomavirus—Now There’s a Real Mouthful
Now let’s be clear. Michael Douglas is not a doctor, nor does he play one on TV. But when he recently blamed his bout with throat cancer on having contracted Human Papillomavirus (HPV) from performing oral sex, he may have been on to something. In fact, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation, HPV may be...Continue reading
The Secret to a Longer Life? Follow Directions
It seems that there’s a new study out every day proving that eating certain foods (like more veggies and less meat) or doing certain things (like getting enough exercise and sleep) can improve and/or extend your life. Reading—and thinking—are a good first step. But they’re not much unless you actually do something to make some...Continue reading
Being Obese in Your 20s Can Cut Your Life Short–by a Lot
We all know that being obese increases your risk of developing all sorts of potentially deadly health conditions, including blood clots, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, and more. Most people think that those risks might reduce your lifespan by a few years—apparently not enough to shock overweight and obese people into changing their behavior. But new...Continue reading