Rejections are the emotional cuts and scrapes of daily life. We get turned down by romantic partners, our colleagues get together without inviting us, our spouses rebuff our sexual advances, our neighbors don’t invite us to their holiday parties, and our friends ignore our posts and Tweets on social media platforms.
Category: Depression
Chronic Conditions and Medications That Can Lead to Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction often refers to different symptoms in men and women, yet can share similar underlying causes. In women, it is often characterized by low sexual desire or various disorders including sexual arousal, orgasm, and sexual pain. In men, erectile dysfunction (ED) is just that: difficulty getting or keeping erections sufficient for intercourse. ED is...Continue reading
Coffee with Sam: The Truth about Nightmares
Dr. Tom Jackson is a psychiatrist who has specialized in the treatment of sleep disorders and anxiety for the past thirty years. I recently had the chance to have a virtual cup of coffee with Dr. Tom Jackson, who I think is best described as a jack-of-many trades. A trained psychiatrist, he has some interesting...Continue reading
It’s All in Your Mind. Well, at Least Some of It
Those of us who work in the health field have long been aware of the connection between mind and body and that your mental health can have a big influence on your physical heath. But there’s been very little research has explored the degree to which mental health issues affect men and women differently. A...Continue reading
Deadly Differences: Women and Men are NOT the Same
We all know that men live shorter, less-healthy lives than women. Part of the problem is that men’s and women’s bodies respond differently to the same condition. And far too often, those differences kill. The bottom line is that despite attempts to treat men and women the same way, we’re different. And those differences often...Continue reading
Pay More Attention to Young Men’s Mental Health
A recent report on the mental health of young men (ages 16-25) in Australia, is attracting a lot of attention from mental health professionals, parents, politicians, teachers, and, of course, the guys. One of the study’s key discoveries was that a fifth of young men say that life isn’t worth living and one in 10...Continue reading
More Fascinating D-scoveries (bout Vitamin D)
It seems like every day there’s more interesting news about the benefits of vitamin D. Here are a few of the most recent: We’ve all physically overdone it at some point—say, by lifting more than you should have, running or biking or swimming further than you should have, playing basketball longer than you should have,...Continue reading
The Secret to a Longer Life? Follow Directions
It seems that there’s a new study out every day proving that eating certain foods (like more veggies and less meat) or doing certain things (like getting enough exercise and sleep) can improve and/or extend your life. Reading—and thinking—are a good first step. But they’re not much unless you actually do something to make some...Continue reading
Placing American Indian and Alaska Native Boys and Men’s Health Disparities on the Map
A group of stakeholders dedicated to raising awareness on health disparities among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) males has collaborated with Men’s Health Network (MHN) and the Office of Minority Health to develop a brief report titled A Vision of Wellness and Health Equity for AI/AN Boys and Men. Among American Indians and Alaska...Continue reading
PTSD: Affects Vets’ Spouses Too
According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), about 25 percent of vets returning from the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq are suffering from PTSD. That’s about 500,000 veterans. If we include family members, that number more than doubles. Not surprisingly, returning veterans—particularly those with PTSD—have a higher divorce rate than non-veterans. And...Continue reading