Prostate and Breast Cancers Are More Similar Than You’d Think

It’s rare to find the words “prostate cancer” and “breast cancer” in the same sentence. After all, one (prostate cancer) affects only men. The other affects mostly women. But despite their differences, the two diseases actually have a lot in common, particularly in the way those diagnosed with either one evaluate their options and make...Continue reading

Chronic Conditions and Medications That Can Lead to Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction often refers to different symptoms in men and women, yet can share similar underlying causes.  In women, it is often characterized by low sexual desire or various disorders including sexual arousal, orgasm, and sexual pain.  In men, erectile dysfunction (ED) is just that: difficulty getting or keeping erections sufficient for intercourse.  ED is...Continue reading

4 Healthy Ways Chocolate Can Affect Your Sweetheart

According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 36 million boxes of chocolate will be purchased for Valentine’s gifts this year. When you get yet another heart-shaped box from your sweetie on V-Day, don’t lament his lack of imagination. Chocolate is an excellent Valentine’s gift, and not just because it’s tradition. It actually has a...Continue reading

Living with Prostate Cancer: It’s Complicated

I guess it’s part of the male provider-protector thing: A recent survey found that men with advanced prostate cancer worry more about burdening their family and friends than about dying. That’s only one surprising fact from a fascinating and sometimes puzzling survey called The Advanced Prostate Cancer Patient and Caregiver Burden of Illness Study.Continue reading

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