PTSD: Affects Vets’ Spouses Too

According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), about 25 percent of vets returning from the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq are suffering from PTSD. That’s about 500,000 veterans. If we include family members, that number more than doubles.  Not surprisingly, returning veterans—particularly those with PTSD—have a higher divorce rate than non-veterans. And...Continue reading

Drug News: If You’re Taking Statins for Cholesterol or Beta Blockers for Hypertension, Read This.

Statin drugs are remarkably successful in reducing cholesterol for millions of men. They’ve also helped lower the risk of other cardiovascular events (such as heart attack and stroke). But, as with just about everything else in life, there’s the Law of Unintended Consequences. One of those consequences is severe muscle pain and weakness. And a...Continue reading

Relaaaax. High Blood Pressure May Lead to Alzheimer’s

Do you have high blood pressure? If so–and this applies even if you’re under 40–you really need to do something about it.  A new study found that high blood pressure–and by “high blood pressure” researchers mean anything more than 120/80)–may have some serious negative consequences for you brain. Specifically, it may prematurely age your brain.Continue reading

Men and Suicide: Much More Than a Mental-Health Issue

Anyone who’s ever looked at suicide statistics knows that men are 3-4 times more likely to kill themselves than women are (women, however, attempt suicide more). But what a lot of people don’t realize is that men in lower socio-economic groups—especially men in their 30s, 40s, and 50s—are significantly more likely to commit suicide than...Continue reading

Alcohol Withdrawal – What It Is and How to Help

When you think of withdrawal, your first thought is probably of those trying to end their dependence on illicit drugs like heroin or cocaine. You may have images of someone who is terribly ill, sweating, shaking and experiencing any number of other symptoms, from headaches and vomiting to hallucinations. What you might not realize is...Continue reading

For Men, Time Spent with Family Members Can Be a Lifesaver

There’s plenty of research that shows that people (men and women) who spend time with friends have higher levels of well-being than those who don’t. Makes sense, doesn’t it? A new study just published in a British health journal went a step further. It turns out that having a wide circle of close relatives (outside...Continue reading

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