Are any of these scenarios familiar? It’s bedtime. You’re tired. You crawl into bed, and your honey moves over to you and puts a hand on your thigh. Is this a suggestion for sex? Scene number two: You’re at the office at your desk. Your boss, who is of the opposite sex, comes over to...Continue reading
Category: Work
Chronic Disease? Not the Kind of Thing You Want to Take Sitting Down. Really.
Want to know one of the biggest predictors of chronic disease? Are you sitting down? Well, you shouldn’t be. According to researcher at the University of Western Sydney (Australia) and Kansas State University (United States), men who spend more than four hour per day sitting down are more likely to suffer from cancer, diabetes, heart...Continue reading
Your Lifespan. Not the Kind of Thing You Want to Talk about Sitting Down
Two just-published studies have found that the more time you spend on your duff, the shorter and less-healthy your life will be. Even if you log plenty of hours at the gym.
Men and Suicide: Much More Than a Mental-Health Issue
Anyone who’s ever looked at suicide statistics knows that men are 3-4 times more likely to kill themselves than women are (women, however, attempt suicide more). But what a lot of people don’t realize is that men in lower socio-economic groups—especially men in their 30s, 40s, and 50s—are significantly more likely to commit suicide than...Continue reading
Dead Tired?
In today’s economic climate, where employers—and everyone else—are trying to do more with less, it’s increasingly common for men to be putting in longer hours at work and cutting back on pesky inconveniences like sleep. Bad idea. Really bad. According to a new study, working 11 hours per day (which a lot of us are...Continue reading
Protect Your Eyes From the Onset of Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration
There is no doubt that cool looking sunglasses can make an otherwise very ordinary looking person look movie star glamorous, but that’s the icing on the cake. The primary reason to wear not only good-looking sunglasses but quality sunglasses is the protection that they afford yours eyes.
Young Men’s Attitudes about Health and Wellness
A fascinating new report just came out analyzing young men’s attitudes about health and well-being. The study was done by Euromonitor International and looked at men 15-29 in eight countries (US, Brazil, the UK, France, Germany, India, China, and Japan) and found that most guys in that age groups place a high value on regular...Continue reading
The end of men in math and science? Could be coming to a college near you.
The Obama Administration just announced their intention to take steps to increase the number of women in college science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) majors. As the dad of three very smart daughter, I’m all for that. Their stated goal is to expand the use of Title IX, the 1972 law that was designed to...Continue reading
Is Society Fairer To Men Or Women?
A Father’s Day cover story in The Atlantic was The End of Men. Its core contention: men are better suited for the Neanderthal Era: “Maybe they’re (men) are like those frogs–they’re more vulnerable or something, so they’ve gotten deformed.” And colleges are rejecting we frogs. In 1960: college degree holders were 61% men, 39% women.....Continue reading
The Business Case for Paying Attention to Men’s Health
Most people know that men live shorter (by five years), less-healthy lives than women. They’re more likely to be the victim of a violent crime, die in a car crash, commit suicide, and be injured at work. Men also have higher death rates from nine of the top ten killers, are more likely to be...Continue reading