healthy lifestyle

Simple Steps to Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy living doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it requires months of consistency and conviction. A healthy lifestyle, though challenging when first starting out, has innumerable benefits and truly enriches your mind, body and soul. It isn’t enough to take on a short-term diet or sign up for this month’s workout fad. Instead, wellness should be...Continue reading

Is ObamaCare Bad for Men and Boys? Sure Looks That Way…

Despite claims by many that the economy is “turning around” and unemployment is dropping, the fact remains that millions of Americans are in serious financial straits. As individuals, families, and employers look for ways to cut expenses, more and more of them are increasing their health insurance deductibles as a way to save money by...Continue reading

Stereotypes 101, Part II: Women Prefer Big Men with Deeper Voices (and Men Prefer the Opposite in Women)

Okay, we’ve established that women find men with heavy stubble most attractive and men with full beards as the most masculine and best-suited for fatherhood. Since you’re going to be shaving less, consider spending all that free time working on dropping your voice an octave or two. Turns out that women prefer men with husky,...Continue reading

Sweet Dreams: Why Sleep Is Critical to Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Sleep deprivation is a terrible thing: It messes with your brain, making you less alert and less able to think clearly. In previous articles on this site, we’ve talked about how not getting about six hours of sleep per night for long periods of time also increases your chances of being overweight. But according to...Continue reading

Paternity Leave: More than a policy

Imagine this: a father pushing his child in a stroller, fulfilling his duties as a father, seen as attractive and potentially “the new kind of manly.”  Author Katrin Bennhold describes this new definition of masculinity in her article, “In Sweden, Men Can Have It All,” as a “most striking example of social engineering.”  Ms. Bennhold...Continue reading

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