It’s entirely possible that I simply don’t understand women. Actually, it’s more than just possible—it’s almost certain. But can someone explain why some women feel the need to entrap men into relationships? One time-honored approach is for the woman to convince the guy that she’s pregnant. The hope is that he’ll be a stand-up guy...Continue reading
Category: Family Issues
Pass the “Playboy”—I Need to Relax
Years ago, I tried to explain to a girlfriend that looking at hot women was good for me—after all, I argued, a few minutes of fast breathing and increased heart rate every day would help lower my risk of having a heart attack or a stroke, just like doing aerobics or jogging would. That relationship...Continue reading
Do Blondes Have More Fun? Are Redheads Spunky?
Most people who have more than one child—or at least one sibling—have thought about the effects that birth order have on people. Older kids are supposedly more compliant and want to please, middle kids are the great negotiators, and so on. There’s almost always a grain of truth in every stereotype, but what about hair...Continue reading
Using Sex as a Bribe? Women Do It—and So Do Men
We all know that women can and do sometimes use sex as a kind of bribe (not that anyone’s complaining). Researchers put the portion of women who’ve done it at 65%. The same research also found that 11% of men use the same technique to reward good behavior (again, you’re not going to find anyone...Continue reading
The Politics of Men’s Fitness
It’s well known that being in good physical shape has amazing health benefits. But a recent study has found that men who are strong (especially in the upper body) are more likely to be politically conservative than physically weaker men (interestingly, there’s no similar connection between women’s physical strength and their politics. A second study...Continue reading
On the Horizon: Health News You’ll Be Hearing about Soon
It often seems that there’s a new breakthrough in medicine almost every day—sometimes even more often. Here are several discoveries that, while in the early stages, are showing a lot of promise. We’ll keep you up to date on how these discoveries develop.
Faking Orgasms? Men Do It Too. A Lot.
Who hasn’t seen—or at least heard about—the famous scene in “When Harry Met Sally” where Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm in a deli? A woman at a nearby table tells the waitress, “I’ll have what she’s having.” According to a study done by, 60 percent of women already do have exactly what Meg did:...Continue reading
Human Oral Papillomavirus—Now There’s a Real Mouthful
Now let’s be clear. Michael Douglas is not a doctor, nor does he play one on TV. But when he recently blamed his bout with throat cancer on having contracted Human Papillomavirus (HPV) from performing oral sex, he may have been on to something. In fact, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation, HPV may be...Continue reading
“Why’d You Pull Me Over, Officer? I Didn’t Do Anything,”
Cops who pull drivers over for traffic violations have heard every excuse imaginable—and some that probably aren’t. In most cases, the driver pleads ignorance (I didn’t know, I didn’t see it, who, me?), but the kind of claimed ignorance depends on whether the driver is a man or a woman, according to’s latest “Ticketmaster”...Continue reading
Part I: Passivity and the Male Psyche
Passivity in men has been one of the least studied, discussed, and explained aspects of masculine psychology. Understanding passivity is an essential and important key to creating healthy relationships, increasing self-esteem and healing the bodies, minds, and spirits of men who are hurting or hurting others.