The Obama Administration just announced their intention to take steps to increase the number of women in college science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) majors. As the dad of three very smart daughter, I’m all for that. Their stated goal is to expand the use of Title IX, the 1972 law that was designed to...Continue reading
Category: Boys
Divorced Fathers: Shared Residential Sustody – An Increasingly Popular Choice
For those divorced fathers who are currently in the process of creating or re-negotiating your parenting plans (“visitation” schedule) for your children, consider the benefits of shared residential custody. By this, I mean having your children live with you 35%-50% of the time. Many states have revised or are in the process of revising their...Continue reading
Why is the ACLU bullying public schools?
Here’s a little quiz for you. It’s multiple choice. Who is best qualified to say how a boy in West Virginia should be educated? A) The boy’s parents B) The boy’s teachers C) Attorneys who have never met the boy, but who work for an organization with national headquarters in Manhattan If you answered (A) or (B), you’d...Continue reading
Teens at risk–and the adults who aren’t paying enough attention
72% of all deaths among young people aged 10–24 years were caused by one of four causes: car crashes (26%), other unintentional injuries (17%), homicide (16%), and suicide (13%). And hundreds of thousands of teens are affected by non-fatal but life-disrupting conditions such as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and teen pregnancy. The big problem is...
Swagger Excerpt: The Urgency of Fighting for Our Boys’ Brains
At this very moment, through no fault of their own, our boys are caught in the vortex of four powerful, insidious, often invisible forces that conspire to rob them of their future. First, our heartbreakingly subpar schools. To say that twenty-first-century America doesn’t value education is like saying Donald Trump doesn’t prioritize humility. Class sizes...Continue reading
Kids Versus The New Relationship
One of the greatest challenges for fathers who have switched from “husband” to “single dad” is figuring out the tricky mix of new love interest — or sometimes just new intimate partner — and your children. I’ve experienced the gamut myself as a single dad for almost five years, and I have my own rules...Continue reading
The Death of Your Father
Sigmund Freud called it “the most poignant loss” of his life. Sean Connery termed it “a shattering blow.” Norman Mailer likened it to “having a hole in your tooth. It’s a pain that can never be filled.” Each year, more than 1.5 million American boys and men lose their fathers to death. And like the...Continue reading
Dads: Are You a Food Micro-Manager?
As a petite, 35 lbs 5 year old girl I would stand with my hands on my hips and tell my 6 foot 1inch, 225 lbs, construction contractor father that I wasn’t going to finish the food on my plate. This created quite a conflict for him! He certainly couldn’t treat me the way he...
Over 50? Better Lather Up if You’re Going Outside
If you’re over 50 and you regularly apply sunscreen, congratulations! Unfortunately, you’re in the minority. Fewer than 30 percent of men in that age group say they always protect their skin when going outside in the sun (compared with 43 percent of women), according to a new survey conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology...Continue reading
A Food Revolution Day To Fight Prostate Cancer!
Prostate cancer awareness and prevention should begin when men are boys. That’s why men and their families should embrace Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day Saturday, May 19. The inaugural event is “to inspire, educate, and empower people everywhere to stand up for real food. The weekend of events will bring together an international community of foodies, chefs, parents,...Continue reading