American households have made dramatic changes in the past 50 years when it comes to the role of fathers. According to Pew Research Center, in 1960, 70% of households had a father who worked and a mother stayed home. Now it is more common to see both parents working and sharing responsibilities in the home....
Category: Boys
The Meditation Miracle
There’s a lot of talk these days about brain training—exercises you can do to keep your mind sharp and (hopefully) ward off Alzheimer’s and other memory-destroying types of dementia. But whether your exercises are physical or mental, the muscles you’re working out need time to recover. In other words, getting adequate amounts of downtime is...Continue reading
What Happens When Boys Become Men
Let’s talk for a moment about life cycles. Companies have them, markets have them, and products have them. The trajectories for many product life cycles generally progress through well-defined stages: Introduction, growth, maturity and decline. I dare say that as boys become men, their health care shows a remarkably similar curve. Men’s Health Lifecycle Don’t...Continue reading
The Underrated Importance of Clean Hands
As a parent, it’s been a constant battle to get my kids to wash their hands–whether that’s before eating, after going to the bathroom, sneezing, petting an animal, or for any other reason. And as a human being, I’m constantly restraining myself from pointing out to non-family members–especially other adults–that they need to wash their...Continue reading
Public Health in Action – A Silent Health Crisis
Of all the things in the fields of both public health and healthcare that pique my interest and attention most, it’s health disparities, specifically the numbers 5 and 7. In a country as productive and innovative as ours, it’s a particularly vexing reality check whenever I’m faced with those two numbers, which I’ve listed below...Continue reading
Breaking the Mother-Son Dynamic: Resetting the Patterns of a Man’s Life and Loves
Thomas Wolfe says, “You can never go home again.” However, to go forward, I have to go backward from time to time. I return to the places where the dreams began: my hometown and the small college where I did my undergraduate work. That’s where I’m sitting right now, writing these pages. Through the windows I see the amphitheater...Continue reading
Time to Clean Out the Clean Plate Club
Whether we’re buying a new car or a bagel and a cup of coffee, it’s human nature to want to get the best deal. That’s probably why we have a tendency to eat everything that’s put in front of us. Twenty years ago, that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing–you could probably have cleaned your plate...Continue reading
What Men Need to Know about STDs
What do you know about STDs? Probably not enough. Check out this informative infographic from Carvaka. You may have to click to enlarge. Source: Carvaka
Lack of Education Could Kill You. Really.
The warnings started when I was in junior high (now called middle school). My parents, both of whom were in the first generation of our family to go to college, started warning me that if I didn’t quit fooling around at school and do my homework I might not get a degree. And without a...Continue reading